
'Unwoke' With Kevin and Kruiser #71: Real Americans Are Fed Up With Trans Dudes in Women's Sports

(Reminder: Every episode is now in the Unwoke section of our new podcast page. I’ll still be doing teaser blurb posts in Columns as reminders that new episodes are up.)

Kevin and I were having a discussion about how much we’ve enjoyed swimmer (and actual female) Riley Gaines taking on the lunatic trans narrative that boys can pretend to be girls in sports and it’s all fair.

Gaines has been fearless about calling out the biology deniers in no uncertain terms.


We then pondered whether the backlash from real Americans will get stronger and that’s what we’re exploring here. As the father of a female athlete, this issue hits close. My daughter’s collegiate running career just ended three years ago, and she never had to put up with any of this. That’s how quickly things have escalated.

As is our wont, we wandered off-topic for some lighter fare too.


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