
[WATCH] Kruiser's 'Beyond the Briefing'—In Defense of Oppressed White Television Dads

This is an old pet peeve of mine that I know I’ve alluded to once or twice before. I need television to stop lying about us white men.


Whether it’s dads in commercials who are completely lost in the kitchen and can’t feed their kids or fat dudes in sitcoms who have hot, thin wives, television doesn’t represent us well.

It’s mostly the cooking thing that gets me. We are more than two decades into the 21st century, and television ad writers continue to act as if every American male who has kids is living in 1955. As a man who knows his way around a kitchen, I take umbrage with that nonsense.

Anyway, I’m going to be doing a lot more VIP videos in the weeks to come. It’s fun being a talking head again.


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