Miller Lite Sees Bud Light Go Woke and Go Broke, Says ‘Hold My Beer’

After Bud Light’s fiasco with fake woman Dylan Mulvaney, some dared hope that wokeness had crested in the popular culture and that corporations would realize that their policy of relentlessly appeasing the increasingly insane and authoritarian Left was bad business. Miller Lite, however, watched its competitor’s self-destruction and, instead of saying, “Wow, we better not go woke — we’ll go broke,” they said, “Hold my beer.”


Miller Lite’s video features a cultural stereotype — the frumpily dressed, arrogant, angry feminist — who tells us:

Here’s a little-known fact: women were among the very first to brew beer, ever. From Mesopotamia, to the Middle Ages, to Colonial America, women were the ones doing the brewing. Centuries later, how did the industry pay homage to the founding mothers of beer? They put us in bikinis. Wow. Look at this sh*t! Wild! It’s time beer made it up to women, so today Miller Lite is on a mission to clean up not just their sh*t, but the whole beer industry’s sh*t. Miller Lite has been scouring the Internet for all this sh*t and buying it back, so we can turn it into good sh*t for women brewers. Literally, The Good $#!T.

“The Good $#!T,” written just that way, is actually the name of this Miller Lite campaign. The ad goes on to feature various female brewers explaining what Miller Lite is planning to do, and making repeated reference to the “sh*t” that they’re going to turn into beer. Gee, that’s really going to make people want to drink Miller Lite. They’re asking people to scour their attics and basements to find old magazines containing Miller Lite ads and other beer ads that feature bikini-clad women; such ads are what they’re calling “sh*t.” They want woke fascists to send these ads to them, so that they can be shredded and used as fertilizer (“the good sh*t”) to grow hops to make more woke beer. Yes, really.


The Miller Lite ad, however, is full of — well, you know. It’s not actually a “little-known fact” that women were among the very first people to brew beer. It’s striking to grievance-obsessed victimhood-mongers in women’s studies departments, but in the nation’s few remaining pockets of sanity, it’s widely known.

Also, the wokester in the ad sneers that the industry “put us in bikinis” as if it were tantamount to putting women in chains, and I suppose that to her, it’s all the same thing. But it’s not actually true that women are generally forced to wear bikinis, or that bikini-wearing is some sort of act of shaming women. Those women who wear bikinis generally do so because they think they look good in them and are proud of the fact. Since the dawn of time, women have tried to make themselves look attractive and are happy to do so; it’s only modern feminism that considers this effort to be some kind of act of subjugation and humiliation, and rejects it accordingly.

If Miller Lite, however, thinks that women all over the country are going to nod their heads approvingly and start searching for bikini ads to turn into fertilizer, and meanwhile are going to forsake white wine and umbrella drinks for Miller Lite, they’re assuming that all women share the sensibilities of contemporary woke feminists, and they’re likely soon to find out to their chagrin that it ain’t necessarily so.


Related: Wokeness Kills: Bud Light Sales Nosedive Continues, and Now Other Anheuser-Busch Brands Are Suffering, Too

Even women (and men) who haven’t been enthusiastic all these years about the beer ads featuring bikini-clad women are likely to be put off by the relentless ugliness of the Miller Lite ad. Do the beer barons really think an ad campaign called “The Good $#!T” is going to make people want to buy their beer? Do they really think they’re going to get large numbers of Americans to agree that a woman wearing a bikini is a terrible thing, but a woman saying “sh*t” in practically every breath, as if she were some kind of demented stevedore, is appealing?

Miller Lite has failed to learn the lesson of Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney, which is really quite simple: the customer base for American mass-produced beers is not Leftist wokesters who hate themselves, their gender, their culture, their nation, and so much more. Their customer base is actually made up of people who like America just fine and even love it, are comfortable in their own skin and revolted by the transgender madness, and disgusted by the authoritarian Left’s culture war agenda of forcing them into compliance with their delusions and fantasies. Now such people have another beer to cross off their list.



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