Vermont Girls' School Strikes Back Against the Trans Madness


The world having gone absolutely insane, the Mid Vermont Christian School (MVCS) girls’ basketball team is likely to get a lot of heat for this, but in a sane world, they would be the heroes of the story. The team, which is known as the Eagles and has lived up to the nobility and heroism of their name, has withdrawn from Vermont’s Division IV state tournament rather than play against a team that features a male basketball player who says he is a woman. If this young man claimed to be an eagle or an aardvark or a garden slug, he would be receiving psychiatric help at this time and would likely not be playing in the tournament at all. As it is, he is on the verge of being conferred the Left’s coveted victimhood status.


In a sane world, once again, the Long Trail Mountain Lions would be disqualified from the state tournament altogether for sending a boy out onto the court in what is supposed to be a girls’ basketball tournament. Instead, the Mountain Lions are advancing to the next round of the tournament, having won the game that the Eagles forfeited to them because of their refusal to play along with one of the Mountain Lion players’ fantasies and delusions.

MVCS head of school Vicky Fogg, who has clearly retained her ability to discern reality at a time when that is becoming an increasingly rare commodity, explained Wednesday, “We believe playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players.” Well, yeah. Of course. One isn’t allowed to say it in all the circles where they trust The Science, but biological males generally tend to be larger and stronger than biological females. Letting a guy play girls’ basketball, a fast-paced game involving a great deal of contact, is just asking for a girl, or several girls, to get hurt.

Fogg also noted the larger picture: “Allowing biological males to participate in women’s sports sets a bad precedent for the future of women’s sports in general.” That is likewise plain and obvious. When Lia Thomas, who is a guy, sets women’s swimming records, it isn’t really women’s swimming anymore. Women are allowed to participate, for the moment anyway, but the winners lists and the records boards no longer reflect either the achievements or abilities of actual women. To enunciate the obvious, when a man sets women’s sporting records, they aren’t really women’s sporting records at all. They’re the records of a man who was allowed to compete against women because of today’s fashionable collective insanity.


In Vermont, which once had Howard Dean as governor and keeps on sending Bernie Sanders to the Senate and is thus about as far-Left as a state can get without becoming a republic of the old Soviet Union, no one wants to talk about this. That’s understandable since Vermont law, as one would expect in a woke oligarchy, allows all this madness. Fogg declined an interview request from the local paper in the area, Valley News of West Lebanon, N.H. Lauren Thomas, the assistant executive director for the Vermont Principals’ Association, according to the same Valley News, “said MVCS sent her a letter stating that it would not be entering the tournament but did not elaborate on its decision.” The athletic director of the Long Trail Mountain Lions, John Schneble, “did not respond to requests for comment.”

Related: Experts: There Is No Biological Evidence for ‘Gender Identity’

And why should he? The Mountain Lions have a good thing going, at least from the point of view of winning girls’ basketball games. With their male on the team, they won fourteen games and lost six this year, and won eleven of their last twelve games. How many of those games did their male player win for them? What would the Mountain Lions’ record have been if this young man had not been on the team?

That’s why this madness continues: people are profiting from it. Girls’ teams that have performed poorly for years can suddenly reach championship level if they just add on a boy or two, provided that they carefully address him as “she” and “her” and rename Larry or Jack as Lauren or Jennifer. If this craziness is ever going to stop, it’s going to be because those who are benefiting from it become willing to make sacrifices for the health and well-being of all the boys and girls involved. Don’t hold your breath.



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