Blind Dog Has Its Own Seeing-Eye Dog

I’m sure many PJM readers just can’t get enough Kavanaugh stories or stories about the nefarious left or loony stuff liberals do.

And since I make my living writing on a conservative news site, I have to write about that stuff too. But I’m going to let you in on a secret that if my bosses found out might get me canned: I’d much prefer writing about things like this.


There’s a family in the Philippines with an 11-year-old Golden Retriever named Ginger. They wanted to adopt another dog, so they took Ginger to the local shelter where she hit it off with a spaniel mix named Kimchi.

Kimchi was blind. What happened next was extraordinary.

Fox 31:

Kimchi became completely blind in 2015 and Ginger has been his seeing-eye dog ever since.

The couple said Ginger acquired this role without any formal training and “Kimchi doesn’t mind being led around, for the most part anyway. They are always paired when we go out, a guide dog, for a blind dog!”

The dogs’ owners were so inspired by the bond that Ginger and Kimchi formed, they now volunteer at CARA.

They now have more than 22 companion animals, all rescues and “love them to bits.”

In addition to serving as “ambassaDOGS,” Ginger and Kimchi provide service for the community as well.

The two dogs are often invited to provided emotional support to hospital patients, students, and company employees.


There are many myths about dogs and many surprising truths. But dog lovers know intuitively what’s going on in the mind of Ginger and how grateful Kimchi is for the assistance. This is not anthropomorphizing dog behavior, just recognizing the reality of the emotional life of dogs.

It’s times like these that we all wish that dogs could talk to us.



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