Vacationers Are Falling Out of Love With Woke Disney Parks

(AP Photo/John Raoux, File)

Last year it was leaked that Latoya Raveneau, an executive producer at Disney, had bragged that her team had implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and was regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.


And audiences were not happy about it. A Rasmussen Reports survey taken after the leak revealed that Disney’s boasts of promoting LGBTQ messaging to children were not well-received by the American public. The poll showed that merely 28% of adult Americans felt that focusing on “inclusion” and “diversity” enhances children’s entertainment. Conversely, 45% of respondents felt that it would have a negative impact, while only 18% believed that it would not have any impact. A plurality of Americans, 47%, also viewed the company unfavorably, compared to 42% who viewed it positively.

Also last year, in the wake of news items about Disney’s opposition to the Florida parental rights law and the corporation’s not-so-secret LGBTQ agenda, an Issues & Insights/TIPP Poll found that a majority of independents report they “no longer trust” Disney’s programming for their children.

Related: Disney Animated Film Featuring First Openly Gay Main Character BOMBS at Box Office

Unfortunately, Disney has ignored these concerns and insists on producing woke content to groom children — despite a slew of movies with dismal box office numbers and streaming series that fans aren’t watching. For example, this week it was announced that Willow, the highly anticipated sequel series to the 1988 film of the same name, has been canceled after just one season. The show featured a same-sex romance, a man portraying a female character, and the blatant juxtaposition of brave and strong female characters with dumb, cowardly, and weak male characters.


But Disney’s troubles are not just limited to the content they’re producing. It turns out that fewer people are looking to Disney parks as their vacation destination of choice anymore.

According to a report from The Street, Disney received disappointing news from a recent study conducted by Family Destinations Guide. The study analyzed searches for tourist attractions in each state, encompassing various destinations such as national parks, beaches, Elvis’ Graceland, the Grand Canyon, and Universal Studios in Florida. Disney was frequently absent from the top tier of searches as a major theme park operator. Disney World, the company’s flagship theme park in Florida, was entirely absent from the searches, while Disney Land in California only managed to make it to the top ten in its home state.

It should come as no surprise that The Street believes Disney’s recent foray into “woke” politics, particularly in Florida, is a contributing factor to its tumble from the top. That’s not to say that Disney Parks are hurting for visitors — they’re still meeting quotas — but this is clearly a trend that should concern Disney. They’ve insulted the audiences that watch their content and alienated those who normally would love to visit their theme parks.



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