Should Pets Be Allowed to Sleep in Your Bed?

If you have a pet, then chances are you let him or her sleep in bed with you. Apparently, half of all dogs snooze with their owners, and as many as 63% of cats. But is it smart to have Fido and Fluffy curl up next to you while you try to get some shut eye? (Not that you’d be able to kick them out of bed after they’ve gotten into the habit…let’s face it…)


The American Pet Products Association (APPA) has compiled a list of things to keep in mind when bunking with your furry friend. If you can follow their simple steps, chances are you won’t have to kick your companion into the next room. Here are a couple of things to consider from their list:

  • Make sure your pet is treated for fleas, has its rabies shots, and is otherwise parasite-free. Hopefully you needn’t ask why.
  • Don’t let your pet lick your wounds. Seriously. “Gross as it sounds, when you’re suffering from pneumonia, flu or an ear infection, pets may try to “clean” the drainage from your face while you sleep, spreading the germs far and wide.” In such instances, it might be best to sleep alone until your infection clears.
  • Keep dogs and cats out of babies’ beds. They have been known to suffocate young children, roll over onto them, or otherwise cause fatal harm. It’s just not worth the risk.
  • People with asthma should seriously consider avoiding sleeping with their pets. The hair and dander can cause respiratory distress.




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