Matthew McConaughey Steps Up as a Voice of Reason

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Actor Matthew McConaughey is making a lot of sense.

The actor, who hails from Uvalde, Texas, and eschews left-wing Hollywood to live in Austin, has a new book out and has been making the rounds to talk about it. He recently appeared on Russell Brand’s podcast and laid into Hollywood and the leftist elites.


Brand asked the Academy Award winner if he noticed any condemnation of ordinary working people emanating from the elites. McConaughey did not hold back.

“[There is] a kind of offhandedness, like, ‘Oh, they’re dumb, they’re voting for Brexit, they’re voting for Trump.’ I don’t like it, and I don’t like to hear it,” Brand said in an episode last week.

McConaughey replied, “There are a lot [of people] on that illiberal left that absolutely condescend, patronize, and are arrogant towards the other 50 percent.”

The “True Detective” star pointed out how some of his Hollywood peers struggled to accept the results in the 2016 election — but now the roles have been reversed.

Quite right. The crowd that calls for unity behind Biden today despite election weirdness and potential outright fraud is the very same crowd that did the #Resist and #NotMyPresident act for four long years. They accused Trump of being Putin’s tool despite all evidence to the contrary and none to support their fantasy. The crowd that stands behind Nancy Pelosi when she allowed millions to suffer from lockdowns and unemployment slams people who just want to get back to work to feed their families, and go to church, and see their kids return to school.

McConaughey’s comments aren’t a one-off. He also appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience in October. Rogan recently moved from California to Austin because California has become too extreme and hostile to freedom and to business. So Rogan pulled up stakes and moved to Texas “for more freedom.”


McConaughey was already here. On Rogan’s podcast, he went into a long dissertation on how liberals keep moving to Austin or other parts of Texas and then trying to change it, changing it back to the very place and policies they fled in the first place.

About 1 hour 22 minutes into the discussion, McConaughey says, “If too many from California come to Austin…and try to turn Austin into why they left where they were coming from we’re gonna look up in ten years and go, ‘What the hell happened, man?'” McConaughey added that he’s starting a campaign to educate newcomers to get to know Austin, and by extension Texas, and not just try to turn them into the very things they escaped.

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