Who's Up For Seeing a Gigantic Digital Joe Biden Avatar Projected Onto the Grand Canyon?

Travis Scott's Fortnite takeover. From YouTube.

Here’s the situation. We’ve got sleepy Joe Biden rapidly unraveling before the nation’s lonely eyes. He’s unable to finish a sentence much of the time, which is sad; no one close to him will stop the public spectacle because they want power, which more sad; and he’s being hoisted on the Dems’ cynical #MeToo petard, which provides endless layers of meaning and reaction.


Plus Biden is still the same plagiarist and mediocrity he has always been.

With all that plus the six feet of separation we must all now observe thanks to the Wuhan virus as context, the wheels are turning in one Democrat strategist’s mind, reports Kotaku.

Former Pete Buttigieg campaign advisor Lis Smith cited “Travis Scott’s takeover of Fortnite” as a strategy for Democrats to consider when it comes time for the party’s National Convention in August. Because if you’re not already excited about Joe “30330” Biden, maybe parachuting around his giant digital head will do the trick.

“Stefan Smith, who had done digital work for Pete Buttigieg, cited the other day how Travis Scott’s take over of Fortnite and how that was a really creative way to think about it,” Smith told Politico’s Jake Sherman in a video interview, after being asked how she might run the 2020 Democratic convention if she were in charge.

“If we could do that with Joe Biden, you know, Joe Biden and project it against the Grand Canyon, that might be a little bit ambitious…

With such strategic firepower at the helm, it’s a real wonder how Buttigieg could possibly have lost. Why does Lis Smith hate the Grand Canyon?


I happened to see that Travis Scott Fortnite takeover, out of curiosity. Granted I’m not a fan, I found it to be equal parts bizarre and awful. It featured huge golden Travis Scott balloon heads, and an even more giant Travis Scott digital avatar striding an island stage, then the whole Fortnite world, and a bunch of psychedelic looks and effects with little tiny characters holding up flaming mic stands and dancing about. It was quite the scene. Here it is if you missed it.

It’s very tough to imagine Joe Biden given a similar treatment. But I don’t want to imagine it. Now that Smith has put the idea out there, we must see it.

We must.

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