
President Trump Consults With Heritage Foundation on Reopening America After Coronavirus

Kay Coles James, photo credit Gage Skidmore.

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump consulted with American economists, scholars, industry leaders, and CEOs to discuss his administration’s efforts to reopen America and jumpstart the economy after the coronavirus crisis. Among other leaders, he consulted with Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James.

“I am grateful to work with President Trump alongside economists, scholars, and industry leaders on the Great American Economic Revival,” James said in a statement. “We are committed to developing plans to get Americans back to work as soon as it’s safe to do so and helping the nation recover from COVID-19. The president has assembled an amazing team, and I am honored to be a part of it.”

James is leading the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a Heritage Foundation effort to equip America’s leaders to combat the virus and jumpstart the economy. The commission includes 17 experts and leaders dedicated to saving lives and getting Americans’ lives “back to normal.”

Last week, the commission released a 5-step plan for reopening the economy, including regionally-targeted initiatives, building the science, reopening markets, and preparing to face future pandemics.

“Heritage recently formed the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, bringing together experts in medicine, economics, business, government, disaster relief, and education to develop recommendations to save both the lives and livelihoods of Americans from this pandemic and provide our nation’s leaders with a roadmap to reopen America when the time comes to do so safely. I am excited to bring those recommendations to the president’s Great American Economic Revival team,” James added in her statement Tuesday.

The commission first met last Thursday and plans to meet again on April 20.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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