It's Time to Stand and Fight

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

It has been over 20 years since I first began writing about liberal bias in the mainstream media. While a lot has changed for the better since then — I’ll get to that in a minute — much has gotten worse, all thanks to 21st-century changes in media that we couldn’t have foreseen even a decade and a half ago


The meteoric rise of Big Tech — specifically social media — in power and influence couldn’t have been predicted by even those of us who have been heavily involved in it from the early days. Big Tech’s disproportionate clout has been laid bare this week during the Facebook whistleblower hearing. Zuck & Co. seem hell-bent on world domination, but we here at PJ Media, along with our Townhall Media sister sites, are putting together an army of our own to fight back and we would love you to be a part of it by becoming a VIP member.

Just ten years ago, the mainstream media dealt with conservative new media by merely ignoring us, which they had the luxury of doing. Thanks to the pesky internet being more egalitarian than the lefties prefer, we too have steadily gained more reach and influence, albeit at a slower pace. The Big Tech behemoth has responded not just by attempting to tilt a once-level playing field but by blowing up our side of it altogether.

I’m not one given to being overwrought about much these days but I can tell you this in all seriousness: Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter, Google) isn’t content to simply marginalize conservative new media outlets, it wants to destroy us completely.


We fortuitously launched our VIP program just before the Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu hit and it has been a godsend. Those who have come along for the ride get to enjoy bonus content from our talented family of writers. Our VIP Gold subscribers get access to the premium content at every Townhall Media site (PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, HotAir, Bearing Arms, and Twitchy).

As I write this, I’m about to begin the “Five O’Clock Somewhere” live chat marathon that my friend VodkaPundit and I do every Thursday afternoon with a guest from the enormous talent pool in the Townhall Mothership. I cannot reiterate often enough that we are having A LOT OF FUN on the other side of the paywall. The world is serious enough, so we aren’t always doing politics over there, although there is still plenty of that coverage, especially the kind of stuff that would get throttled by Big Tech.

It’s a never-ending party for like-minded people who want to stay current with the madness and have a good time while doing so. Even better, we know that conservatives still adhere to budgets, and we’re not asking you to break yours. A VIP subscription billed annually is a little over four bucks a month; VIP Gold will run you a bit over seven dollars a month. The impact of those dollars on the future of free speech and conservative media cannot be overstated.


We love our VIP subscribers and we are always ecstatic to welcome new people into the fold. Conservatism is the new punk, and we’re letting it all out over on the other side. If you’d like to let your hair down with us, you can subscribe here using the promo code CENSORSHIP to receive a discount.

Thank you for your time and your support.


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