Bill Is Coming Due for the Antisemites at Harvard University

AP Photo/Charles Krupa

What you reap, so shall you sow. That’s a lesson a group of liberal haters at Harvard University are learning. I have written at least four columns over the last year about Harvard’s  liberal ways. A May 2023 poll conducted by the “Harvard Crimson” found  that 77 percent of the faculty identified as either liberal or very liberal, 20 percent identified as moderate, and only 2.5 percent considered themselves conservatives.


What used to be one of the most prestigious colleges in America has now been reduced to a breeding ground for intolerant snowflakes who believe every feeling they have is correct. Facts be damned if they infringe upon their delicate sensibilities.

We all know that if you enter the workforce with that type of attitude, you are in for a real dose of reality. Unless, of course, you stay at Harvard as a faculty member. That said, I love watching a liberal crashing to earth and bursting into flames as much as anyone. However, once in the workplace they act as carriers of liberal insanity, infecting anyone they come in contact with who has a simple mind and takes the time to listen to them.

The liberal left is great at projecting all of their flaws onto others. They are also masters of hiding their true objectives behind benign-sounding rhetoric. Yet every so often their façade cracks and the hatred inside of them spews out. That’s what happened this week after the barbaric attack that Hamas orchestrated against Israel.

The liberal, understanding, and open-minded students at Harvard decided that they were going to emerge from the protective shell of their coddling faculty and offer what they believed was a profound opinion. Unfortunately, as often happens when tunnel-vision liberals venture into the sunlight of truth, what they had to say was stunningly ignorant.


A total of 31 student groups sided with Hamas and blamed Israel for the slaughter of their own citizens. In this case, slaughter may be an understatement as stories of babies being beheaded and children being burned alive have emerged. The original letter from the Harvard bigots said:

“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence. Today’s events did not occur in a vacuum. For the last two decades, millions of Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison.”

Almost immediately the pushback against their irresponsible stand began. Some of the groups withdrew their support and removed their group names from the list. All attempted to hide the individuals who make up each group, proving what we already knew: liberalism only works in packs. They roam in groups but are gutless when called out individually. They don’t possess inner strength and resolve– they rely on the presence of other cowards for stability.

Hopefully their arrogant disregard for human life will follow them like their shadow. Bill Ackman, the outspoken and at times outrageous hedge fund manager of Pershing Square Capital Management, has declared war on their antisemitism. He has called on CEOs to blacklist those that chose to ignore the facts of this invasion. So far at least a dozen CEOs have responded and they are not pleased. When calling on action from corporate leadership, Ackman made sure they understood his stance. “One should not be able to hide behind a corporate shield when issuing statements supporting the actions of terrorists, who, we now learn, have beheaded babies, among other inconceivably despicable acts,” he said.


Sweetgreen’s CEO, Jonathan Neman, echoed Ackman’s message and said, “I would like to know so I know never to hire these people.” David Duel, CEO of EasyHealth, said, “Same.”

Belong’s Ale Resnik said, “Share the list.”

Michael McQuaid, the head of DeFi operations at blockchain company Bloq, said: “I completely agree and have been wondering the same the last couple of days if/when the names of these students would come out.”

Today another nail was pounded into the students’ coffin. A truck loaded with digital signs drove around the Harvard campus displaying the names and in some cases the pictures of the 34 students who claimed Israel was responsible for the Hamas attacks.

The digital screen labeled “Harvard’s Leading Antisemites” was launched by “Accuracy in Media,” which said this about their reasoning: “It’s incredibly important to know who the hateful antisemites are in our society. And it’s important for people to know that their actions have consequences.”

For the record, a malcontent and spoiled crybaby named Kojo Acheampong is the leader of Harvard University’s Palestine Solidarity Committee student group, which signed the statement backing Hamas and blaming Israel for Hamas’s massacre of approximately 1,300 Israeli citizens on October 7.

Nothing about Harvard or any other leftist breeding ground is good for America. Sadly, our children are being indoctrinated so early that colleges are now like leftist finishing schools that place cherries on top of the graduating Marxist, whipped cream-topped comrades.


Hopefully, this opens the eyes of many as to exactly what our universities are doing. It has nothing to do with education and everything to do with the destruction of American values.


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