The Trans Movement Has the Media So Terrified That They're Protecting Rapists

AP Photo/Armando Franca

Transgender ideology hasn’t merely infected America, but the entire world. And in almost every way, women end up victims, and not just in competitive sports.


According to a report from the Times of London, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) changed a rape victim’s statement because they were worried about backlash if they published her testimony verbatim because she “misgendered” her rapist.

“The BBC changed the testimony of a rape victim after a debate over the pronouns of her transgender attacker,” The London Times reported. “The woman referred to her alleged rapist as ‘him’ but insiders said that her words were changed to avoid ‘misgendering’ the abuser in an article on the corporation’s website.”

“The BBC article replaced every reference to ‘he’ or ‘him’ with ‘they’ or ‘them’. A source said the quote was the subject of heated debate prior to publication. Some journalists argued that the quote should remain intact, while others said it should reflect the [rapist’s] preferred she/her pronouns.”

Here’s how the BBC presented the rape victim’s testimony:

“[They] threatened to out me as a terf and risk my job if I refused to sleep with [them],” she wrote. “I was too young to argue and had been brainwashed by queer theory so [they were] a ‘woman’ even if every fiber of my being was screaming throughout so I agreed to go home with [them]. [They] used physical force when I changed my mind upon seeing [their] penis and raped me.”


“They were originally all-male references but the woke bros at the news website wanted to make them female because of misgendering,” a source at The London Times said. “It’s quite shocking. I can’t think of any other situation where we would change the words of an alleged rape victim.”

The BBC article was addressing the issues surrounding lesbians who feel they are being pressured to engage in sexual contact with biological males with male anatomy who say they are trans women.

Another woman interviewed for the article explains the fear she felt in speaking out.

“The language at the time was very much ‘trans women are women, they are always women, lesbians should date them’. And I was like, that’s the reason I rejected this person. Does that make me bad? Am I not going to be allowed to be in the LGBT community anymore? Am I going to face repercussions for that instead?’ So I didn’t actually tell anyone,” she explained.

This is the world the left is creating, where women who are raped are afraid to speak out because of potential backlash from the LGBT community, and the media kowtows to rapists just because they’re transgender.

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