Watch The New 'Police State' Film While You Have the Freedom to Do So

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

Dinesh D’Souza’s and Dan Bongino’s new documentary “Police State” is a must-see for anyone who cares about the future of the United States as well as for your “normie” friends and neighbors who have no idea how close we are to becoming a pod-living, bug-eating Marxist nation where Catholics, conservatives, and anyone who doesn’t toe the commie pinko line ends up in a gulag.


FACT-O-RAMA! According to KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov, violent Marxist groups like BLM and their non-binary flunky friends in Antifa will be shot. The Marxists animals will eat their own street thugs once they are no longer needed. The rest of us will either be expected to fall in line or pay a similar price.

The entire film feels like a documentary shot in Germany, circa 1933. The movie uses dramatic reenactments and actual footage of the FBI swarming peaceful Americans who dared stand up for their values.

WARNING: The movie is full of heartbreaks.

The film highlights, among others, Joseph Bolanos, 69, the 23-year president of his NYC block association, who peacefully attended Trump’s January 6 rally but didn’t enter the Capitol. Yet the FBI, after receiving a tip from a neighbor that Bolanos dared to go to Washington that day, covered a security camera and bashed down his door. Bolanos, who was caring for his 94-year-old mother, suffered two strokes since the FBI shackled him and tossed his apartment, as well as his mother’s. All this despite living an exemplary life.

The cowardly neighbor who ratted him out appears in the film. He thought he was the good guy for calling the FBI on someone with “those values.” It occurred to me that this neighbor, the FBI agents, and the rest of the neighbors who shunned Bolanos are in that phase of “We were just doing our job” that we see when tyrants are succeeding. They’ll all end up on the wrong side of history, but how many people will suffer before Americans stop persecuting one another, even their own friends and neighbors?


An aunt of J6 defendant Matthew Perna, who was peaceful during his brief walk into the Capitol, tells the sad tale of how Perna’s prosecutors added a domestic terror charge to his case, which could have resulted in an additional 20 years in prison. Perna was later found hanging in his garage; he chose to end his life rather than spend it in a federal prison.

Perna’s aunt called his prosecutor to ask why they added the charge that compelled Perna to kill himself. She was told that if Perna had waited a few weeks, then that charge would likely have been dropped. In other words, they wanted to scare him. They succeeded. Perna is one of four J6 defendants to commit suicide.

The film’s most disturbing moment is when a woman who once processed illegal immigrants at the wide-open Southern border tells a horrific story of an eight-year-old boy who was trafficked so many times during his journey to the U.S. that he was forced to wear a diaper to contain the bleeding from his injuries. She also states there are roughly 84,000 kids who came over the birder and simply “disappeared.”

The film shows the true damage that Biden and Obama have caused to our Republic, and they continue to do so. I won’t give away any more of the story, but when you see all the current corruption taking place in our nation, all in one film, you can’t unsee the carnage.

“The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here,” Bongino says. “The signs are everywhere. And once you recognize them, your senses will be heightened to the danger we’re all in.”


I will say that not only should real Americans who care about our nation see this film, but it should also be shown to every student in the U.S. every year as long as they are in school. If we are lucky enough to survive this commie onslaught, and I believe we will, future generations need to know the signs of tyranny when it shows its ugly face again, which, assuredly, it will.

You can take part in the film’s virtual premiere on Friday by clicking here. If you can’t watch it tomorrow, buy the DVD. It’s the best $20 you’ll ever spend.


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