I never thought I’d say this, but why isn’t every American against modern-day Nazis?
To most Americans, the Holocaust is considered ancient history. It happened a long time ago in a part of the world most of us will never visit. We also like to believe that it won’t happen again and that it can’t happen here. I’m here to disagree with both of those beliefs, and I’ve brought the proof.
I’ve spoken with a former landlord who was happy to show me his concentration camp ID number tattoo. I am probably the only person you know of who spent a portion of his honeymoon visiting concentration camps and the locations of Nazi atrocities throughout Poland.
FACT-O-RAMA! Nazi atrocities and nuptials do not mix. I highly recommend visiting these places but not after a gleeful wedding.
Nothing brings home the reality of the Holocaust more than standing in front of a 14th-century synagogue burned out in September 1939 by “Hiterlites.” Or standing on the same spot where you’ll see a sign that reads, “On this location, 352 Poles were murdered by Hitlerites on January 10, 1940.”
Auschwitz was sobering. Plaszow, the camp associated with the not-so-virtuous Oskar Schindler, was terrifying. Unlike Auschwitz, it isn’t a museum. It’s a field with a couple of statutes and a few signs. You can see the posts that held electrified fences to keep people from escaping. A guidebook points out the porch where camp commandant Amon Goeth, using his rifle, fired at imprisoned Jews for target practice. The apartment building occupied by camp officers, complete with a torture dungeon in the basement, still stands and is home to four families.
You’ll see a large depression in the land where tens of thousands of dead Jews were dug up and set on fire before the Soviets arrived. You can walk along the roads built with Jewish tombstones by Jewish prisoners who were forced to pave roads with the grave markers of their dead families. To the Nazis, no Jewish humiliation was too small.
Plaszow Camp Commandant Amon Goeth shooting at Jewish prisoners for "target practice." The next picture is his house today.
Why aren't more Americans siding with Israel? Because their Marxist teachers told them who to hate. pic.twitter.com/5iQlNLHdTh
— The Kevin Downey, Jr. Show Mon- Fri. 10-11 am! (@KDJRadioShow) October 18, 2023
One would think that we Americans, instrumental in the destruction of the Third Reich, would be unanimously against anything that even smells like modern-day Nazism. But thanks to the Marxist professors who have taken over our schools and universities and an influx of immigrants from the Middle East, the United States and the rest of the Western world are starting to look like Germany circa 1933.
PINKO-RAMA! There are 45 goals of communism to take over the United States, as entered into the Congressial Record. Number 17 reads, “get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”
A professor from Cornell University referred to Hamas’s brutal attack as “exhilarating” and “energizing.” One jackpudding from Columbia University called the attack “astonishing” as well as “astounding” and even “incredible.” He went on to call the attack a “stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance” against whom he called “cruel colonizers.”
Then there are the 30-plus student groups at Harvard who sided with the Hamas terrorists’ slaughter of Jews.
FASCIST-O-RAMA! The Third Reich had a bunch of thugs called “Brown Shirts,” also called the S.A. (Sturmabteilung, or “storm division”). They terrorized Jews, sacked Jewish businesses, and beat political foes with near impunity. Today’s Democrats have Antifa to do their dirty street work.
For those fools in the “It can’t happen again” camp, hear me out. It’s already happening in the U.S. and across the world.
Throngs of animals marching and chanting “Gas the Jews” is no longer a black and white film from 1933 Berlin that you see on A&E and History; you can watch it happening in modern-day Australia.
London saw thousands of “pro-Palestine” reprobates rallying in the streets, many chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a not-so-thinly veiled threat to wipe Israel off of the globe.
America’s biggest hurdle is the “normie neighbors” who may be thinking, “Come on KDJ, no American would ever jump on board and commit the same atrocities the Nazis pulled off.” Roll the tape.
Many so-called “Americans” are down with modern-era Nazi clowns. Check out this miscreant flashing a swastika in New York City’s Times Square. Another person was photographed waving a large Nazi flag in Irvine, Calif.
I invite you cowardly fence-sitters to read “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland,” the chilling and true story of how middle-aged carpenters, accountants, and blue-collar workers left their homes and found themselves agreeing to aim their rifles at the heads of tens of thousands of Jewish civilians, routinely women and children.
What would drive a typical man to shoot unarmed Jews? The same motivations that drove these “ordinary men” from Germany: call it the “group dynamics of conformity, deference to authority, role adaptation, and the altering of moral norms to justify their actions.”

Watch the “ordinary men”/bootlickers at Detroit’s WXYZ News run interference for the Muslim community in Dearborn, Mich., as they “feel they are not being heard” after Hamas’ rape and murder-fest. Never mind that they ignored Hamas’ savagery and blamed Israel for the brutal attack of rape, murder, immolation, torture, and kidnappings that left more than 1,200 Israelis dead and up to 200 taken captive.
I especially like the “We do not condone the loss of lives, the civilian lives, on both sides, however,…”
Hey look, WXYZ TV did it again. Somewhere on the station’s cutting-room floor is the footage of a speaker who bellowed, “They [Israel] left a fire in our hearts that will burn that state until its demise.”
FACT-O-RAMA! Tell your Palestine-supporting gay friends that Muslims took over the city council and mayor’s office of Hamtramck, Mich., and promptly stated no gay pride flags would be allowed to fly outside of city government offices, but they were “allowed” to fly them at businesses and homes.
Those gutless wonders who think barbarians waving swastikas and chanting for the eradication of Jews isn’t a wake-up call to “Holocaust 2.0 — The Sequel” are the reason “Hitlerites” got away with their carnage in the first place.
Related Prescience: Achtung, Baby! Your Historical Proof the Democrats Are Using the Nazi Playbook
What have we learned?
We have learned the Democrats have an army of street thugs, Antifa, who attack, burn, and loot with impunity, much like Nazi Germany’s Brown Shirts. We also know that “ordinary men,” untrained in military exercises, can be prompted to leave their jobs and slaughter innocent people.
We are seeing swastikas popping up around the nation as pusillanimous poltroons in the news media run cover for systemic anti-semitism. Communists have taken over our schools.
Americans like to say, “If I was alive in Germany back in the 1930s, I would have done something.”
Good news, now is your chance to prove it.
The writing on the wall is clear and straightforward; to suggest a worldwide Holocaust rerun can happen isn’t hyperbole — it’s actually already begun.
The notion that the commies are here to bring Maoism to the United States — and concentration camps for “undesirables” — is no longer fiction. And please understand, by undesirables, I don’t just mean Jewish folks who are once again being persecuted. I mean those of us who refused to bend our knees and raise our sleeves for a clot shot that provided little help from COVID but lined the pockets of Big Pharma. I refer to We the People who dared question 4 a.m. swing-state ballot drops that went almost entirely to *President Joe Biden.
You and your deplorable patriotism are now enemies of the state. That Betsy Ross flag on your porch makes you a suspect. How dare you go to church? Don’t even think about attending a school board meeting or silently praying outside of an abortion clinic.
Lefty animals who called us “Nazis” for wearing a MAGA cap now support Ukraine and their Nazis in the Azov Battalion. Yet they cheer for Hamas despite their goal of eradicating Jews worldwide. The Canadian commies actually gave a real, WWII Nazi a standing ovation.
How much more can we be expected to take? Now is the time to stand up. Get your “normie neighbors” on board. Start the conversations no one wants to have but everyone needs to hear.
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