I recall my time as a New York City liberal when the left was pushing “political correctness.” White liberals were urged to abstain from criticizing minorities in any way, lest we be deemed “racist.” The left pushed “white guilt” like heroin and we all happily stuck the needle in our arms. We denied black crime was rampant. We were told the world wasn’t full of hateful terrorists as we smelled the burning bodies days after 9/11. Instead, we chose to focus our ire on the violations and offenses of stupid, Jerry Springer-type peckerwoods. We thought we were virtue gods.
FACT-O-RAMA! A liberal, gay male friend of mine was walking through Hell’s Kitchen in NYC around 10:30 one night when he saw a menacing-looking black man. His instincts told him to cross the street. His libtard indoctrination instructed him to ignore his inner “racism” and proceed past the man. As he walked by, the man put a revolver to my friend’s head and said, “Give me your wallet, f*ggot.” What have we learned? Marxist brainwashing could have cost my friend his life.
Here we are, two decades later. Political correctness has been immolated and replaced by its tantrum-throwing progeny, “woke,” which decided that ignoring crimes by minorities is no longer sufficient. One must now cheer on, say, rampant shoplifting, lest one find oneself the target of a fusillade of Antifa spittle launched by spoiled demons from spendy neighborhoods who grew up in lavish bedrooms full of participation trophies.
I remember when pedophiles were considered monsters. Recently, Antifa went to war when a black woman dared complain about a naked, white, trans sex offender sporting a half-staff while staring at her nude daughter at a spa in L.A. How dare she not “celebrate” a pedo with an erection pointed at her child! The commie prags in the Pravda press dutifully called the mother “anti-trans.” Other lizard people referred to the whole thing as a possible “hoax.” The registered sex offender was deemed a victim of “transphobia.”
I see my mistake now. What I once thought was a virtuous attempt to end racism was a long-game Marxist push to eradicate the nuclear family, law and order, and Christian values, all of which are the enemies of communism. It was all about taking down the United States from within.
The LGBTFBI group once lobbied for tolerance, then acceptance. Personally, I don’t care if a guy wears a miniskirt and puts frozen tomato paste up his bahookie to pretend he is menstruating, but tolerance was never really the plan. Today, I’m apparently a “bigot” because I won’t shag a crazy man in a dress stained with Ragu.
The next step in the cultural Marxism playbook is making it a-ok for terrorists to rape Jewish women, mince Jewish babies, and burn Jewish people to death in the name of Allah. If you ask the rich kids of Harvard, they’ll actually tell you the Israelis are to blame for the recent carnage. I’m not sure who is responsible for such hatred, the brats themselves or their chardonnay-sucking “cool moms” who never said “no” to them.
INSANITY-O-RAMA! Leftards who once called us “Nazis” for wearing a MAGA hat are now cheering on the eradication of Jewish people.
Check out this video of a pro-Hamas rally in England defending the recent attack. Apparently, this display is acceptable, but you’ll be arrested for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in the UK. #Tolerance
Pro Hamas rally in Birmingham England. #Israel #Palestine
— Johnny (@tallyman2023) October 8, 2023
So what’s next, KDJ?
You are.
Anyone who believes they are immune from the teeth-gnashing “Gaystapo” who demand you bed a tranny is mistaken. Corporate America bent its knee to the pink banshees and won’t hire you if you don’t do the same. If you dare complain at work that rampant shoplifting and violent crime are crushing our nation — which they are — you’ll be called to the carpet and asked to explain your “racism.” Depending on where you work, you may want to stay mum on the terrorism you saw in Israel.
We now live in a nation where a father was bloodied by police in Virginia when he dared get angry at a school board meeting after his 14-year-old daughter was viciously raped and sodomized by a boy in a skirt and the school wouldn’t have the animal arrested.
FACT-O-RAMA! The Loudoun County school board sent the aforementioned savage to another school, where he assaulted a second victim. The students walked out of class in protest. It’s sad that the kids had to stand up for themselves against a tranny rapist and a group of Marxist school officials who all but allowed him to strike again.
Here is the reality some of you can’t say at work, but I will: there are animals among us.
I don’t just mean the criminals sacking our cities and the brown-shirted Antifa clowns who defend them. I’m not just talking about the Nazi savages cheering for Hamas rapists, or even the animals who beat, rape, and burn their victims alive.
I’m also talking about the feral miscreants who paved the way for this savagery to be acceptable celebrated.

The worst pigs are the Stalinists who want to normalize barbaric crimes.
And if you small-town dwellers think you are immune, check out this story about three young girls gang-raped by illegal immigrants at a “party” in nowhere Minnesota:
Horror: Illegal Immigrants Gang Rape Three Young Girls, One of Them Only 11 Years Old
Cultural changes — whether a dance craze, the flavored vodka fad, or a crime wave — typically start on one of the coasts and work their way to inner America.
It’s time to wake up and smell the feral feculance. We need to stop being afraid of being called a name or losing a job. Why should we fear saying something like, “I don’t want my daughter to get raped because her school refused to have a trans-dudette rapist arrested.” The Marxist beast is hungry and it wants your children, too.
Now is the time to be loud. Stay peaceful and don’t give the Maoists a reason to throw you in a cell. We are going to need you, and you can’t help if you’re in a gulag.
The very idea that Harvard students are celebrating ruthless cruelty tells us everything we need to know about the future of our nation and We the People.
MOTTO-RAMA! The terrorists use the phrase, “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people” which means they plan to eradicate Jews first, then Christians.
Related: How Does Israel Fight Savages Who Want to Die? Oblige Them
You are not immune. The animals amongst us will not just “go away.” The very people preaching “tolerance” to us have weaponized their minions. Stay sharp, get loud.
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