The Left's Insane Dedication to Defending America's First Narcissistic Junkie Son Can't Last Forever

Screenshots from alleged iCloud

One of the great chasms between the bolshie-Americans and We the People is our unwillingness to bend the knee and join the hive mind. We aren’t as easy to control as your pink-haired, non-binary something-in-law who dutifully agrees with everything the Punchinellos at MSNBC tell they/them.


I’ve made no secret that I’m a MAGA kind of guy, but I would eagerly jump off the Trump train and perhaps book passage on the DeSantis choo-choo if there was a Rocky Mountian-high pile of evidence suggesting that:

  • Trump accepted millions in bribes from everyone waving a C-note, especially Chinese commies
  • He used his druggie, Fredo-like son Donald Trump, Jr. as a bagman
  • Trump weaponized his FBI to persecute his political adversaries.

But that pile of evidence doesn’t point to Trump and his son; it all points to *President Biden and his drug-addled progeny, Hunter, yet a poll from Real Clear Politics tells us that Trump is barely beating Biden in a 2024 election grudge match.

What I find even more unbelievable is how the left has a Jehovah’s Witness-like dedication to defending the crack-puffin’, amateur-adult-film-makin’, influence-peddlin’ son of Joe Biden.

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Merrick Garland beclowned himself this week before Congress, pretending that he has exerted no clout over the supposed investigation of Hunter, his gun woes, his bogus painting business, or his tax dodging. Fewer and fewer people are buying his flapdoodle.


Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes are big enough to cause spectacular damage to the Democrat brand and possibly even cost them the 2024 election and God knows how many down-ballot seats, but Hunter is a liability, and crackheads and the deep state can’t trust him. The apparatchiks in the Pravda press are dutifully denying that there is evidence connecting Joe Biden to the tens of millions of dollars his son hoovered but the truth is getting out.

The die-hard leftist lemming voters will always stick to their comsymp candidate but the independents, whom I believe largely sway elections, are starting to get the picture. The Bidens are in trouble.

That said, how much longer will Biden’s myrmidons at the Department of Justice (DOJ) defend Hunter and his potentially treasonous crimes? At what point will the Stalinists running the country cut bait?

I’m betting Joe Biden’s last goal before he dies or retires is to keep his son out of federal prison. The White House claims Gropey Joe will not pardon Hunter, but Joe Biden’s legacy of lies tells me this just isn’t true.

Will the Democrat Party go down with Hunter? I think not. At some point, the pack is going to have to leave the wounded zebra that is Hunter to the pack of lions at the Oversight Committee or get eaten with him.


The race is on. Something will give and soon. The indictments against Trump only make him stronger. Joe Biden’s dementia and the bribery allegations, which may lead to charges of treason, are growing every day. If the leftists can’t take Trump out of the race, perhaps by any means necessary, the Bidens and the deep state spooks are toast. If Hunter is faced with years in prison, he’ll sing like an attention-starved trans-person at karaoke night.

The deep state has a better chance of surviving four more years of Trump than the firsthand Congressional testimony of a desperate dopester whose dad is no longer around to defend him.

If I were Hunter’s lawyer, I’d suggest he drop his lawsuit against his daddy’s IRS, get a real job, shut up, and avoid driving Joe’s convertible Corvette through Dealey Plaza.


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