The Abortion Battle Is Killing Republicans and Ushering in Communism

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

FYI, the comments section is the place to send your hate mail, as I’m sure I’m about to make a few people cranky.

Yes, the abortion debate is killing some Republicans at the polls.


One of my few talents in life is I know how the working-class people in the Midwest think, as I am one of them. I also know how your typical New York City leftist thinks, as I used to be one of those as well. More accurately, I know how a New York City liberal thinks, as I was never a leftist. Those toilet-dwellers are repugnant commies and they are using abortion to take over the nation.

FACT-O-RAMA! Leftists love abortion as fiercely as conservatives embrace our Second Amendment rights.

I posit that your typical working-class midwesterner is at least somewhat pro-choice. A recent Gallup poll (if you believe Gallup, or any polls at all), states that 52% of Americans are pro-choice and 44% are pro-life. Pew Research claims 62% are at least somewhat pro-choice.

I personally believe Roe v. Wade was safe until the “abortion up until the last minute in utero” ghouls demanded the “right” to abort a child one minute before birth.

The pro-choice rhetoric is strong. Rather than admitting what abortion truly is — an escape hatch for the irresponsible behavior of two people — leftists have warped feticide into “women’s healthcare.” Of course, they had to make race and gender a part of the conversation, hence the liberal mantra, “I don’t want old, white men telling me what to do with my body.” This suggests that other groups aren’t fervently pro-life. It’s the old “us against the vile Republicans” motto, and it’s working even better now that Roe v. Wade was kicked to the states.


FACT-O-RAMA! A 2018 Pew Research study showed that 79% of black people in the United States see themselves as Christians. This is more than any other ethnic group.

I’ve had a ton of angry leftists spit-arguing at me that Republicans don’t care about a child once he or she is born. When this happens, I challenge the dolts to a contest. I ask them to Google Democrat adoption agencies while I search for Catholic adoption agencies. Thus far I am undefeated.

The Republicans had a wonderful chance to score an abortion victory but, in typical Republican style, drop-kicked the ball out of bounds. Rather than attack Democrats on their “abortion up to birth” hysteria and point out the Mephistophelian choice of a last-minute termination, which every pro-choicer I personally know is against, they celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision to kick the abortion issue to the states, where it belongs.

Leftists, who have long screamed that the evil elephants are all about “forced births,” were declared the winners, and went so far as to suggest gay marriage and even interracial marriage are now fair game for conservatives. (Never mind that both black SCOTUS justices are married to white people.) Liberals went nuts when they realized they might lose their abortion access, and just as importantly, their college-aged daughters might lose the ability to have an abortion after a drunken night in a frat house. No one wants to raise an unwanted child. And all of this conveniently happened just before the 2022 midterm elections, where the expected “red wave” crashed and died at the Florida-Georgia line.


Two gubernatorial candidates in 2022, Tudor Dixon in Michigan and Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania — both very important swing states — campaigned on a “no abortion for any reason” message and were promptly slaughtered on election day. The message is clear: people don’t want to spend the next 18 years caring for an unwanted child, theirs or that of their daughter. Now add in the small number of abortions in the cases of rape and incest, and we can see how if the Republicans keep running “no abortion for any reason” candidates, we might as well just hand our nation over to the commies and call it a day.

In other words, Republicans lived up to the words of the late Charles Krauthammer, “Republicans think Democrats are idiots, Democrats think Republicans are evil” — which I assure you, they most certainly do.

FACT-O-RAMA! Many leftists astonishingly believe abortion is illegal in much of the United States. This is false. A majority of states allow abortion, but some states have restrictions. Facts and leftists are not always acquainted.

Conservatives are more religious and thus believe abortion is a demonic sin. They see themselves as the voice of God’s voiceless, yet-to-be-born children. And many Christians are reluctant to face God one day and say, “I caved on abortion for votes.” Leftists know this and use these values against Republicans on election day.


But at the end of the day, it’s not our sin.

The Maoists looking to enslave us know that abortion up until the fourth grade is heinous and pretend they aren’t down with that clown, though this video below proves otherwise:

Related: The Top Three Issues of 2024 (And Yes, Abortion Is a Big One)

If Republicans, conservatives, and Christians continue their all-or-nothing pro-life crusade, they should get used to warming up Cricket Helper on an electric range as they welcome third-world “asylum seekers” into their spare bedrooms, because the commies will easily win in 2024, and smarter people than I believe that could be our last election.

The answer is simple: we let them abort their unwanted pregnancies and they let us keep our guns. If they are forced to raise kids they don’t want, the leftists will just teach them to hate us anyway. We have a duty to leave our kids with the liberties we’ve had, if not more. A growing number of their kids will likely “identify” as LGBTLMAO and not reproduce anyway.

THEORY-O-RAMA! We could be liberal-free in just a few generations!


The candidates who believe abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare” and also embrace the Second Amendment can sail to victory in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan.

The leftists will continue to push for abortion until a child is teething. We need to use that against them and stop pushing “no abortion for any reason,” and we can win.

But what do I know? I’m just a blue-collar Michigander who also understands how the Democrats think.


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