Got Narcissism? Lefties Think Their Feelings Are Reason Enough to Send Trump to Jail

AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

Yesterday, I experienced what might be the loss of one of my few remaining lib friends who still speaks to me. Granted, our conversations occur online and usually involve him calling me a “lost cause.” They include him writing things like, “How do you not see that Trump wants to end THE REPUBLIC??? He is THE DEVIL!!! I’M YELLING NOW.”


I have no idea how Trump, the only “America First” president to swing by since Reagan, is trying to “end the Republic.” Proof of Trump’s “treason,” like “Trump-Russia collusion,” never materializes in a debate with a lib. Because when it comes to proving Trump is guilty of anything, the libs have nothing to fall back on but their feelings, and hatred doesn’t equal guilt.

Now is a good time to watch this mental pygmy go full libtard when asked why Trump should be arrested:

EASTER EGG-O-RAMA! Now watch it again and look to the right of the screen at the 18-second mark as a door closes and a huge “Trump 2024” flag can be seen in a reflection. Director David Lynch couldn’t have filmed that better

We’ve watched the Democrats cling like barnacles to every Hail Mary pass intended to take Trump out, including but not limited to greatest mythical hits like:

  • “Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed Michelle Obama and her wife slept in!”
  • “He said all Mexicans are rapists!”
  • “He told people to drink bleach!”
  • “He called Nazis ‘very fine people!'”

I understand that Trump gives leftists a bad case of the collywobbles, but that’s no reason to throw him in the hoosegow. Liberal feelies mean nothing. Someone should tell that to the person throwing this Veruca Salt-like dummy fit:

Liberals think every one of their emotions is valid and deserving of affirmation. This is often the result of inept parenting or spending four years in a liberal, make-everyone-feel-safe college.

Related: Yes, They’re Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

You know you’re dealing with an emotionally stunted tender foot brain when a person can’t even say the name “Trump.” Liberals prefer a sophomoric touch and refer to Trump as “45” when they are in a good mood. When faced with the loss of yet another Facebook debate, an emotionally crippled prog will resort to calling Trump a list of childish monikers that seem to have been made up by asinine young boys whose plums have yet to drop, such as:

  • tRump
  • Cheeto in charge
  • Angry Creamsicle
  • Orange Foolius

FACT-O-RAMA! Trump’s greatest yet least-reported superpower is the ability to turn seemingly normal adults into frenzied sialoquent hobgoblins who can’t mention his name without gleeking their lunch into their friends’ locally brewed craft IPA.

The recent raid on Mar-a-Lago has breathed a blip of life into those who desperately want to see Trump cuffed and perp-walked into Leavenworth for the rest of his days. Like so many other embarrassing rolls of the political dice, I’m expecting snake-eyes, followed inevitably by emotionally disemboweled liberals jumping, jiving, and wailing after yet another crushing defeat. It will be champagne-poppingly glorious.



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