'Don’t Lie to Me' -- Judge Jeanine Pirro Guts the Media-Left and Their Destructive Dens of Deception

Don't Lie to Me and Stop Trying to Destroy Our Freedoms, by Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Judge Jeanine Pirro warns media and the Democrats: Don’t lie to her or the American people.

She will catch them, and she has in her new book, Don’t Lie to Me and Stop Trying to Destroy Our Freedoms. Pirro’s latest is out this week and it’s a barn-burner.


The media keeps trying to make the coronavirus crisis look worse than it actually is. When it can’t find footage of American hospitals filling to the brim with COVID patients, it goes off and uses footage from Italian hospitals that were full without telling Americans where the footage came from. That’s media malpractice and a lie. Pirro catches them and calls them out.

While our cases numbers sometimes have appeared to be out of control, thanks to a weasely media out to make President Trump look bad, America’s per capita death rates from COVID have actually been lower than most other industrialized countries — especially if you remove the malfeasance in New York’s nursing homes. You’d never know that if you only listen to the media and its allies in the Democratic Party. Pirro wrote Don’t Lie to Me to set the record straight on COVID, the “liberal lockdowns” that destroyed the powerful Trump economy, and so much else.

Just this week, “Bunker” Joe Biden emerged from the darkness to say that 200 million Americans have died of the coronavirus. That would be news worth reporting, as it would mean nearly two-thirds of the country succumbed to the Chinese killer virus. Joe should have stayed in the bunker, and the media should have ripped him for either lying or being so addle-brained he no longer has any idea what he’s saying.


Judge Pirro in Don’t Lie to Me leaves no stones unturned. The past four years of the Trump presidency have been among the most dishonest in our history, she writes, not because of him but due to reactions to him. Beginning even before Trump’s inauguration with the fake news Russia collusion hoax, Pirro applies her investigative skills and her sharp storytelling to bring readers along through it all. Along the way, Pirro catches Democrats and the media lying about…well, pretty much everything.

Take Democrats and the police. At the height of the George Floyd riots, Democrats did the most irresponsible thing they could do. They took actions that seem designed to make everything worse. Having already wrecked the economy putting millions of Americans desperately out of work, they defunded their city police departments, slashing funds for crime-fighting and prevention and moving them over into their pet socialist schemes. Now that the defunding has backfired from New York to Minneapolis and beyond, “Bunker” Biden finally says it’s a bad idea. Where was he all summer? Biden was hidin’ but Pirro finds him out.

Judge Pirro’s Don’t Lie to Me is smart, brash, and searing, one of the year’s most important books. Democrats really are out to destroy your freedoms, she writes. They prove it when they allow rioting and anarchy while locking you out of your church. The claim to C.A.R.E. while they keep you from earning a living and supporting your family. And they have allied with antifa and the openly Marxist Black Live Matter organization, which want to destroy your family too.


Media can’t seem to keep themselves from lying. Pirro catches them lying about the man media blamed for dying when he drank fish tank cleaner. She catches them lying about Trump’s Middle East policy and his approach to the dangerous regime that rules North Korea. She catches them lying about Trump’s and the Democrats’ policies regarding our border — yes, Dems really do want open borders — and she catches them helping Democrats move the goalposts on when the coronavirus lockdowns should end.

Trump encountered a “swamp of lies,” Pirro writes, after fighting off the Russia hoax and the abuse of power called impeachment, only to have to work with these very same Democrats once the pandemic struck. Democrats have never taken responsibility for dividing the nation as the COVID crisis built, because the media haven’t forced them to. Media haven’t held Michigan’s Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to account for acting like a despot and undermining the entire coronavirus crisis. Media haven’t held Biden to account for his serial plagiarism or Bill de Blasio to account for destroying New York.

So Judge Jeanine Pirro holds them all to account in one place: Don’t Lie to Me and Stop Trying to Destroy Our Freedoms. As the nation grapples with the nomination to succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, you can bet the Democrats and media are already lying again. Judge Pirro’s book will help you see through the lies and find the facts.

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