More Defections from Carter's Anti-Israel Crusade

Turning to the protests over Jimmy Carter’s take-donations-from-the-Saudis and slam-Israel approach to Middle East politics, there are fresh defections today from the Carter Center, where the founder of the Middle East program, Kenneth Stein, resigned last month in protest over Carter’s book: “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid,” and an Emory University anthropologist, Melvin Konner, refused to serve on an advisory group to Carter, accusing him of a “callous disregard for the relevant facts of history,” and of setting back, rather than advancing the debate. Today, 14 members of the Carter Center’s Board of Councilors resigned, sending Carter a letter in which they accused him of “malicious advocacy” and wrote “we can no longer endorse your strident and uncompromising position.”


If Carter won’t recant, maybe he can at least issue a revised edition of his book, including a full and detailed list of his Carter Center’s sources of funding.


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