Grand Central Guantanamo

Not only are the suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo Bay getting fat on multicultural cuisine; they are also getting an astounding parade of visitors. In my monthly column for The Philadephia Inquirer, more on a recent trip to Gitmo:


To fly into the damp Caribbean heat of this U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is to enter a place of multifaceted myth, a zone that continues to inflame the imagination of the world. And yet, when it comes to witnesses, monitors and the media, there is probably no more heavily trafficked detention center on the planet.

Since the United States began bringing suspected Taliban and al-Qaeda operatives there more than four years ago, Guantanamo has hosted visits by more than 1,000 members of the media, from more than 500 news organizations – including Qatar’s Al-Jazeera, Egyptian TV, and such Arabic-language newspapers as Al Sharq al Aswat and Al Hayat. More than 300 lawyers have descended, many offering pro bono services to the detainees…. (entire article is here).


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