This Group Believes It Can Sway More Jewish Voters to the GOP

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

We’ve seen story after story about how Donald Trump and the Republicans are making inroads with traditionally Democratic constituencies. We hear of the GOP’s outreach to black voters, Hispanic voters, and younger voters, and more and more of these voters are trending toward Trump.


A group of Jewish Republicans hopes to make similar gains with Jewish voters. Taking advantage of the antisemitic bent of the far left, the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) believes that it can convince more Jewish voters to pull the lever for Trump in November.

The RJC is roaring with a $15 million ad buy and ground games in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. “The organization picked these states as a beachhead for its 2024 effort because they feature ‘sizable’ Jewish communities and are closely contested such that the movement of even a few thousand votes might alter the outcome,” reports The Dispatch.

“It’s a clear choice for the Jewish community,” Matt Brooks, the RJC’s CEO, told reporters last week. “We will highlight and draw the sharp distinctions that exist between the Republican Party, which is the true and only pro-Israel party, and the Democrat Party.”

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The ad buy is a typical strategy that includes mailers, TV, radio, and web ads. The RJC is including door-knocking in the strategy, focusing on Jewish voters who are open to voting for Trump.


Why does the RJC believe that it can make a difference with Jewish voters? The Hamas attacks on Oct. 7, 2023, and the far left’s response to it are causing some Jewish Americans to think twice about the Democrats.

“What’s changed in this [election] cycle is this palpable sense of fear because of what’s happening in America, because of what’s happening on campuses, because of what happened in Israel on October 7 and every day since,” said former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who serves on the board of RJC.

Since the Hamas attack, we’ve seen anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrators take over college campuses and city streets. We’ve seen Democrats in Congress buy into propaganda from Hamas. We’ve seen innocent Jewish people and institutions attacked. And it’s all happened on the Democrats’ watch.

“Democrats have balanced their ‘ironclad commitment’ to Israel’s security with periodic condemnation of the Jewish state’s prosecution of a war in Gaza that has left thousands of Palestinian civilians dead, in part a response to outspoken elements of the party’s base that accuse Israel of excessive force, if not question its right to exist in the first place,” The Dispatch notes. “Compare that to Trump and Republicans broadly, who are nearly unequivocal in their support for Jerusalem.”


It's a big gamble to try to convince such a massive Democrat voting bloc to switch parties, but why not try? The RJC is awfully confident that it can change hearts and minds.

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