A Veterans Day Bleg

Threads Promo from CoHo Productions on Vimeo.

A very close friend of mine, Tonya Jone Miller, has a wonderful personal show about how her mother, a girl from Indiana, found herself teaching in Viet Nam, and about her mother’s (and Tonya’s!) last minute escape from Viet Nam out of Tan Son Nhat Airbase. She has a Veteran’s Day request:


I am looking for a veteran who served in the Vietnam war, and I need your help. Please share this post, especially if you have any kind of military or veteran connections.

If you’ve seen my show “Threads” you know that my American mother got out of Vietnam mere days before the fall of Saigon. She was there trying to get my Vietnamese father’s family out of the country, and she was 8 1/2 months pregnant with me.

Many random people helped her escape, but I am looking for one in particular. My mother was shoved into the belly of a plane full of to-be-adopted orphans as it was taking off, and if not for the soldier who did that, I would likely not exist.

I have no idea if that man survived the war. I am hoping that if he did, he told the wild story of the crazy lady in labor he pushed into a plane as it was taxi-ing on the runway. Here is a link to a video of this part of the show http://vimeo.com/67752938. Maybe someone will recognize themselves, or their father, or their friend in these details…

Tan Son Nhat airbase, Saigon, sometime between April 10-20, 1975. Mom thinks the soldier was a Marine or an MP officer of some kind. The plane was carrying orphans for adoption and was bound for Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.

I’d like to find that soldier and thank him. I’d like to tell him how his decision to help my mother probably saved my life and hers. Even if the man is no longer with us, I’d like to have a name to honor in my heart. I know the chances are slim, but maybe a social media miracle will happen.



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