[T]here are few things more sweet to Palin and her fervent supporters cheering their TV sets this week than the image of a hungry know-it-all “lamestream media” caravan of 15 or more vehicles traipsing along behind her red-white-and-blue bus enroute to they-know-not-where to do they-know-not-what.
To make it worse, each one of the frustrated, confused chasers knows that Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren is…
…riding along with the not-yet-and-possibly-never Republican presidential candidate, filing exclusive conversations for her audience to gobble up that only enhance Palin’s already million-dollar value to FNC. Can you hear the teeth grinding? While Palin smiles and waves away? ….
Tuesday, as our astute buddy Tony Pierce wrote here, Palin announced that she was in favor of ending all energy subsidies, including ethanol. So the afternoon’s discussion topic was her, even though Tim Pawlenty said the same thing about ethanol last week to little notice. And Tuesday many who dislike Palin were saying, well, you know, I kinda agree with her there.
This unorthodox, to say the least, strategy also fits Palin’s go-with-her-gut political M.O. Who’d have thought going in that a Wasilla city councilwoman would become mayor? Or make such a stir on the oil and gas commission? Or challenge an entrenched aged state Republican establishment and its incumbent governor? And actually win that primary?
And then in the general, defeat a better-known Democrat trying to return to the governor’s office? And remember too when Palin’s surprise gubernatorial resignation halfway through the first term terminated, according to the media, any chance that she’d have any role in American politics ever again?
Judging by the attempted coverage of her not-so-secret “One Nation” bus tour this week by the same media, apparently not.
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