
Tragic Irony: Festival of Diversity Stabbing and Wokeness Backfiring

Quinn Dombrowski from Berkeley, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

At least three people have been stabbed to death at a diversity festival in Germany. This horrible event highlights the fact that wokism always brings about the opposite of what it promises, leaving countless victims strewn along the way.

“Diversity” and “tolerance” are the idols of leftists and Marxists (the two groups are usually interchangeable nowadays), and yet nothing could truly be less diverse and tolerant than woke leftism. True, they demand that the evil religion of Islam be honored by Jews and Christians. They insist that sexually perverted relationships be considered even more loving than heterosexual marriages, and they insist that every stage and office and movie and political ticket include many shades of skin color. But if you deviate from leftist dogma by one iota, if you dare to think differently or argue that your religion or your philosophy does not align with the elites’, you must and will be crushed.

Hearing the sobering news about Solingen’s Festival of Diversity stabbing, which left at least three dead and eight injured by an as-yet unidentified attacker (though his description could fit an Arab migrant), I remembered a conversation my brother and a Middle Eastern migrant cab driver had in London this May. Interestingly, the immigrant cab driver seemed somewhat upset about the jihad-ization of London in particular and England in general; but he was most upset about the woke ideology ruining England. The “green zones” enforcing slow driving and pay-per-mile schemes weren’t saving the environment, but they were certainly hurting cab drivers like him. Yet there is no challenge allowed to climate ideology.

My brother observed that the same people enacting these idiotic laws and punishing anyone who thinks differently (after all, you can go to jail in the UK for memes) are those who claim to love diversity and tolerance. “But they do not believe in intellectual diversity, in diversity of thought,” my brother concluded. It is all mere external diversity, or rather, an illusion of diversity covering up an insanely strict and mandated sameness. You must like the same movies, sing the same songs, wear the same clothes, repeat the same talking points, and admire the same leaders as everyone else.

Indeed, non-white conservatives like Clarence Thomas and Larry Elder are even more hated by the leftists precisely because they have dared to have original thoughts. There is no more intolerant and racist man than a woke, white leftist.

But that leads me back to my original point, that diversity and tolerance as leftist ideals always backfire. The Festival of Diversity ended in tragedy as people were stabbed by an individual rumored to be an Arab migrant. Whatever he was, he certainly wasn’t interested in diversity. Westerners have welcomed in hordes of men from countries that are Communist or Muslim and have none of our values in the name of tolerance, and are surprised when those same men have no tolerance whatsoever for the people who welcomed them.

The great GK Chesterton humorously observed, “Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.” It’s wise advice for a Western World that is committing suicide by falling on the twin swords of tolerance and diversity.


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