
Red Alert: UK Labour PM Wants Closer CCP Ties

Peter Byrne/PA via AP

The radical new socialist government of the UK has reportedly paid tribute to an even more tyrannical government by aiming to reset its relationship with Communist China.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has murdered more people than any other entity in history and has nearly perfected Marxist tyranny. The UK Labour government has only begun to go down the red brick road of such tyranny, but the increasingly socialist and dictatorial bent of the British government no doubt inclines it to view the CCP more favorably.

Could that mean the Labour government will be borrowing ideas from the CCP? Perhaps it already is. In China, you can be targeted by the law for what you say or post online, and now, in the UK, people are being sent to jail for exercising free speech online. The UK government has also long been interested in implementing digital IDs, similar to the Chinese digital IDs, which function as a social credit score at the whim of the Communist government. And now, it seems, the UK is looking to increase its ties with the CCP.

That, in any case, is the drift of a phone conversation between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and CCP dictator Xi Jinping, reported both by UK and Chinese sources. CCP state propaganda outlet Global Times proudly announced:

Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke with UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer on Friday by phone at the latter's request, during which Xi said that China and Britain should remain firm as partners… On July 7, Chinese Premier Li Qiang sent a congratulatory message to Starmer on assuming the position…

Starmer congratulated the Chinese sports delegation on their outstanding performance at the Paris Olympics and said that developing closer UK-China cooperation aligns with the long-term interests of both sides. Strengthening cooperation in trade, finance, education, clean energy, and healthcare would benefit each country's development and jointly address global challenges such as climate change. 

Starmer allegedly added, “The UK hopes to enhance contact and dialogue at all levels and in all areas with China, aiming for positive results in practical cooperation and institutional exchanges, and to develop a long-term, stable, and strategically significant UK-China relationship based on mutual respect.” Socialists unite!

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The UK Daily Mail was not quite so flowery or pro-CCP in its account, but its overall report of the call’s content was similar, indicating Starmer was almost as willing to increase China ties as the CCP would wish. Indeed, The Daily Mail noted, “Foreign Secretary David Lammy is planning to visit China next month.” Going to kowtow to the Commies on their own turf, perhaps?

Again, this is disturbing, given the already Orwellian bent of the Labour government. It is entirely possible that the UK plans to borrow dystopian policy ideas from the CCP — did not the UK and many other governments adopt the utterly disastrous COVID-19 response policies of the CCP in 2020? Why shouldn’t they do the same even without a virus as an excuse?

Between the hordes of jihadi Muslim migrants overrunning the UK and its socialist Labour government, Great Britain is perilously close to self-destruction. And considering how many admirers of the CCP we have in the U.S., America could be next.


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