‘Failed Presidency’: Elise Stefanik Celebrates Woke Columbia Prez Resigning

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

“THREE DOWN, so many to go,” Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) celebrated as another university president who failed to halt violent pro-Hamas riots resigned.

Columbia University has become internationally infamous for its antisemitic, pro-genocide protests and encampments. After utterly failing to address the crisis, woke President Minouche Shafik is stepping down.


Stefanik responded in a statement on X: “THREE DOWN, so many to go. As I have said consistently since her catastrophic testimony at the Education and the Workforce Committee hearing, Columbia University’s President Minouche Shafik’s failed presidency was untenable and that is [sic] was only a matter of time before her forced resignation." 

Harvard and University of Pennsylvania presidents had previously resigned.

Stefanik went on, “After failing to protect Jewish students and negotiating with pro-Hamas terrorists, this forced resignation is long overdue. We will continue to demand moral clarity, condemnation of antisemitism, protection of Jewish students and faculty, and stronger leadership from American higher education institutions.” Now if only we could be sure a less antisemitic president will take Shafik’s place.

The Columbia anti-Israel protests grew so dangerous in April that Jewish students were advised to leave campus “as soon as possible” for their own safety. The encampment at Columbia featured a “training ground” for “fighters,” including those who glorified terrorists and the heinous Hamas Oct. 7 attack. More recently, Columbia University had to remove three deans for “very troubling” antisemitic texts. 


In the letter announcing her decision, Shafik announced, “This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in our community. Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead.” Good riddance.

Instead of offering apologies, Shafik wanted sympathy and congratulations. “I have tried to navigate a path that upholds academic principles and treats everyone with fairness and compassion. It has been distressing—for the community, for me as president and on a personal level—to find myself, colleagues, and students the subject of threats and abuse.” Quit whining, Shafik.

Pro-Gaza, anti-Israel radicals violently seized control of a building on the Columbia campus and then had the chutzpah to demand meals from the university. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) had to be mobilized to clear them out.

In a letter responding to the tumult, Jewish students at Columbia issued a letter soberly describing how unsafe they felt on their campus. “Most of us did not choose to be political activists. We do not bang on drums and chant catchy slogans. We are average students, just trying to make it through finals much like the rest of you. Those who demonize us under the cloak of anti-Zionism forced us into our activism and forced us to publicly defend our Jewish identities.”


Considering that one group of Jewish students with an Israeli flag found themselves being targeted by a Columbia protestor with a sign saying they would be Al-Qassam’s "next targets,” and other protestors screamed at Jews to “Go back to Europe,” that’s not surprising.

How tragic that, within living memory of the Holocaust, such shameful hatred of Jews and enthusiasm for terrorism should be convulsing American campuses. 


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