
Climate Crazies Hate Nature: 100-Year-Old Trees Fall for Solar Farm

In the latest blindingly clear illustration of the fact that leftist environmentalists hate the environment, Joshua trees that have been growing in the California desert for over a century are about to die so an unprofitable and toxic solar farm can blot the landscape.

The climate change fraud is becoming increasingly open in its hypocrisy. So-called “green” energy was always not only unreliable, expensive, and inefficient, but also toxic for the environment. And the fact that the people who support wind and solar are fine with destroying thousands of acres of trees and plant life, killing millions of birds and other animals and otherwise destroying habitats and farmland, illustrates how this was never about saving the planet. It was always about money and control.

Just the News explained that 2,300 acres will be needed for the solar project, even as California’s electric grid already suffers from reliance on inefficient “green” energy. The location for this new, woke environment-killer is Boron, which is in Southern California.

The area of Kern County from which the project is slated has a poverty rate twice that of the state’s average. The solar farm will generate intermittent power for 180,000 homes in wealthier coastal neighborhoods. 

Besides the destruction of old trees, the residents living near the project say county and state officials who approved the project have ignored their other concerns about construction dust and impacts to endangered desert tortoises.

Endangered desert tortoises and Joshua trees are just more victims on the altar of the climate alarmist cult. Remember back when environmentalists pretended they wanted to save nature instead of destroying it?

The California leftists are trying to emphasize “tradeoffs” between alleged reduction of electricity generation’s carbon emissions and the “land-intensive” impacts of the solar farm, per Just the News. What the climate alarmists don’t want you to know is that the manufacture and disposal of solar panels involve both child slave labor in Africa and the generation of massive amounts of toxic waste. Solar is NOT BETTER for the environment.

RelatedWEF Pushes Net Zero — Even Though Trees and Humans Need Carbon to Survive

Another key fact the climate crazies do not want you to know is that increased carbon is not bad for the environment. Indeed, there is evidence that increased carbon helps food crops and other flora thrive. This makes sense, since carbon is absolutely necessary for all life, whether human, animal, or plant. Reduced carbon is actually a deadly plan, not a life-saving plan. But the elites making money and political capital off the climate propaganda know that perfectly well.

It’s not as if California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom — the same man who scandalously violated his own Covid-19 rules — and his ilk care about the truth or falsity of climate propaganda. All they know is that climate change is a convenient excuse for making cash or increasing government power.

RelatedExperts: Green Energy Would Take Up to Half of U.S. Land

The century-old Joshua trees of the California desert are just the latest victims of the Marxist, power-hungry idiocy that masquerades as environmentally friendly climate policies.


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