
Globalists Redefine Words to Control Our Minds

AP Photo/Noah Berger

Globalists redefine words in a language war meant to reshape and manipulate how we think. It was once said as a compliment of the great Winston Churchill, “He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.” With perverted and evil intentions, modern globalist Marxists have also sent the English language into battle; a battle for the minds of Americans.

Climate realist Tony Heller posted a comment on Twitter/X on Dec. 18 that got me thinking: “Globalists are busy destroying history on the basis of it being ‘offensive’ - while demanding that men be allowed to expose themselves in the little girls' changing rooms. The purpose of this is to humiliate and neuter the population into submission.” He added, “By ridiculing and humiliating the public like this, they hope to beat the peasantry into submission.  Same thing the ruling elite have always done.” In other words, the globalists and Marxists have weaponized the word offensive. This is a very typical tactic for modern Marxists to take. They use a word because it already has certain positive or negative connotations, and manipulate people using that word while gradually altering its meaning.

Thus a grown pervert wiggling his mostly-naked bottom in your baby’s face or a strapping youth stripping nude in the girls’ locker room are no longer called what they are: offensive. But because “offensive” means something disgusting, the globalists apply the word to historical or political or biological facts that they don’t happen to like. George Washington is “offensive,” we are told. Your noting that a woman is a woman is “offensive,” as is your explaining that gun control doesn’t suppress gun crime (see Chicago). It is all a language war, to control your mind. You can see it with the word “gay” too, which is why I try never to refer to homosexuals as “gay.” The word “gay” means happy or merry. The reason Marxists redefined it to mean “homosexual” is because “gay” already had positive connotations; by conditioning people to call perverts “gay,” Marxist globalists were conditioning people to view homosexuality positively.

And that brings me to my main point, which is that we cannot, under any circumstances, submit and surrender to the language war. Don’t use stupid “gender neutral” terms like “congresspeople” — that’s what the pro-transgender word-manipulators would love for you to do. Erase all distinctions between men and women! That campaign has succeeded very well so far, to the point where people always use the incorrect grammar such as “each person received their lunch” instead of “his lunch,” and to the point where my friends stare at me blankly when I call Jane Austen an “authoress.” Our ancestors said “authoress,” and they understood the difference between men and women. Modern young people are so used to nouns being “gender neutral” that it is no shock to them that pronouns can be “gender fluid.”

Yes, grammar and vocabulary matter — your English teacher wasn’t just an annoying stickler. The words you use shape how you think and then how you act. Be intentional, be wise, be alert. The words you speak and think are of vital importance for keeping your mind free.


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