Handwriting Expert Confirms Allegations That J6 'Whistleblower' Lied Under Oath

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney is now facing further criticism, as it appears that her star witness for the J6 Committee may have lied under oath to Congress during her testimony.


Cassidy Hutchinson, a former Trump White aide whom the Establishment has used against former President Donald Trump as a primary witness, is now being accused of perjury after newly uncovered evidence showed that a note allegedly written by the former staffer on January 6, 2021, was not actually written by her at all.

Cheney, who was then the J6 Committee’s vice chair, called the note, which included a script for Trump to read during the unrest at the Capitol, proof of Hutchinson’s key role in the White House's response to the riots.

Cheney dramatically held up the infamous note as a "smoking gun" against the 45th President on live television in an attempt to paint him in a negative light.

Then on Oct. 21, investigative reporter Julie Kelly announced on X that a handwriting expert hired by the chairman of the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), to analyze the note had exposed Hutchinson's ruse.

The handwriting expert confirmed that former Trump White House lawyer Eric Herschmann, not Hutchinson, was the actual author of the "bombshell" note.

Herschmann has consistently claimed that he, not Hutchinson, wrote the note that day and that he drafted the note in real time while meeting with other officials in the White House on January 6.


His spokesperson told ABC News in June that “the handwritten note that Cassidy Hutchinson testified was written by her was in fact written by Eric Herschmann on January 6, 2021."

“All sources with direct knowledge and law enforcement have and will confirm that it was written by Mr. Herschmann," the spokesperson added.

This latest revelation undermines the credibility of Hutchinson’s testimony by directly contradicting the entire J6 Committee's narrative, while raising immediate concerns over its handling of key evidence.

Hutchinson claimed that then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows ordered her to write the note on January 6, as the riots were underway at the Capitol.

A former senior aide to Meadows, Hutchinson claimed that her former boss gave her a notepad and pen and dictated a potential statement for Trump on January 6.

During her testimony, Hutchinson said, “That’s a note that I wrote at the direction of the chief of staff on Jan. 6, likely around 3 o’clock.” 

After Hutchinson was questioned about the handwriting on the chief of staff’s note, Cheney asked her, “And it’s written on the chief of staff note card, but that’s your handwriting, Ms. Hutchinson?” 

Hutchinson responded, “That’s my handwriting."

The latest development comes after Hutchinson's former lawyer, Stefan Passantino, filed a D.C. bar complaint against Cheney for communicating with his client without his knowledge. 


Just the News and Congressional investigators had obtained evidence that Cheney directly communicated with Hutchinson and her associate, Alyssa Farah Griffin, using the encrypted messaging app Signal on June 6, 2022..

Passantino later revealed that he was unaware of any direct contact between Cheney and Hutchinson and had not authorized any such communications.

He claimed that he only learned about the communications between Cheney and his client when Just the News reached out to him for comment.

Cheney lost her congressional seat in 2023, when she was defeated in a primary after many of her own Wyoming constituents rejected her due to her role in the January 6 Committee and her criticism of Trump.

Her attempts to establish herself as a leading figure in the NeverTrump faction of the Republican Party backfired in the end.

The latest news is widely expected to ruin any remaining respect for Cheney in the GOP.


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