NYC Mayor Adams Calls DOJ Investigation Retaliation for ‘Defending” City from Illegal Migrants

AP Photo/Peter K. Afriyie

Embattled NYC Mayor Eric Adams, claims that he is being indicted by the Feds for not totally going along with the Biden Administration's illegal migrant policy.

The historic 57-page, five-count indictment by the Department of Justice is the first in history against a sitting Mayor of New York City.


The charges include: conspiracy to commit wire fraud, solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national, and bribery, which in total could lead to 45 years in prison if Adams is convicted on all counts.

The DOJ raided the mayor's residence on Sept 26, after months of search warrants, phone seizures, and subpoenas served against top City Hall officials, including top advisors and his NYPD Commissioner.

Adams said that he will fight the multiple federal criminal charges against him, which he totally denies amid numerous ongoing criminal investigations surrounding his administration.

A Democrat and former ally of the Biden Administration, Adams was the only big-city American mayor who had spoken out about the migrant crisis.

The New York mayor has been charged with allegedly receiving campaign donations and other perks from foreign nationals, in exchange for favors like pressuring city officials to approve the Turkish consulate in Manhattan as Brooklyn Borough President in 2014. 

Another, but far more serious. charge against Adams is that he fraudulently obtained $10 million in public campaign funds for his NYC mayoral campaign, which he denies having any knowledge about.


Adams released a video statement from his residence in Gracie Mansion hours before the FBI raided it, stating, "If I am charged, I know I am innocent. I will request an immediate trial so that New Yorkers can hear the truth."

"Despite our pleas, when the federal government did nothing as its broken immigration policies overloaded our shelter system with no relief, I put the people of New York before party and politics."

"Now, if I am charged, many may say I should resign because I cannot manage the city while fighting the case. I can also understand how everyday New Yorkers would be concerned that I cannot do my job while I face accusations," continued Adams.

Damian Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, slammed Adams at a press conference saying, “He told the public he received no gifts, even after he was being showered with them,” Williams said.  “This was a multi-year scheme to buy favor with a politician on the rise: Eric Adams.”

Other Democrats smelling blood have already called on Adams to resign, like City Comptroller Brad Lander, while NY Governor Kathy Hochul faces pressure to utilize a rarely used power to remove a sitting mayor from office.


Meanwhile, the disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo has been speaking about the possibility of running for the seat in 2025, if Adams is out of City Hall in an attempt to make his political comeback.

There are also rising concerns from New York business leaders and political moderates that if Adams were to step down or be removed, the city's far-left Public Advocate, Jumaane Williams, would temporarily take over City Hall by law.

Giving control of NYC to Williams, a self-described socialist, defund-the-police radical, and BLM supporter, could lead crime to quickly spin even more out of control, according to his critics.

If Adams is immediately removed, Williams will be mayor for at least 90 days before an open-primary run-off against his challengers in a special election in March 2025.


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