Just after the fall of Kabul, the Taliban started turning up in U.S. uniforms, carrying U.S. rifles, and riding in U.S. vehicles. They started showing off a Black Hawk helicopter they’d captured. It soon became clear that when the Taliban overran the Afghan military, it also snapped up all of that military’s gear. It also grabbed all of the gear the U.S. military left behind at Bagram Air Base and other posts as it hastily retreated. Joe Biden insists he and his high command, including generals who wear medal clusters so enormous you could serve a pizza on them, planned for all this. But did they? Did they plan to arm the Taliban?
One question now is: Did they plan for the ongoing cover-up?
Forbes reports that the State Department is telling other federal agencies to scrub their websites of lists of weapons the U.S. provided the Afghan military over the years.
According to an admission obtained from the State Department, Biden officials recently directed federal agencies to scrub their websites of official reports detailing the $82.9 billion in military equipment and training provided to the Afghan security forces since 2001.
The scrubbed audits and reports included detailed accounting of what the U.S. had provided to Afghan forces, down to the number of night vision devices, hand grenades, Black Hawk helicopters, and armored vehicles.
Reports further quantified 208 aircraft and helicopters; 75,000 war vehicles – including 22 Humvees, 50,000 tactical vehicles and nearly 1,000 mine resistant vehicles; and 600,000 weapons – including 350,000 M4 and M16 rifles, 60,000 machine guns, and 25,000 grenade launchers.
The Biden administration claims it’s scrubbing weapons information, including some reports that are several years old, to protect those it left stranded in Afghanistan. That’s laughable.
Related: PHOTOS: Here Are Just Some of the Capabilities Thrown Away by US Commanders at Bagram Air Base
When the news that the Taliban had captured so much of our gear first broke, it caused your humble correspondent to ask a shocking question: Is Joe Biden now the world’s greatest terrorist arms supplier? Is Lunch Pail Joe a notorious terrorist gun-runner?
This graphic made the rounds on social media. It depicts just how well-armed the Taliban are now. They reportedly have more helicopters than about 85% of the countries in the world.

The Biden administration left all this behind and now wants federal agencies to hide the truth from the American taxpayers who paid for it. They were a little slow covering their tracks after their hasty retreat.
Donald Trump was impeached for a whole lot less than arming a terrorist group with just about everything it could possibly want and then giving it a country.
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan appeared on MSNBC earlier Wednesday and refused to even call the Taliban an “enemy.” He failed to come up with a suitable word for the terrorist group that succored the architects of 9-11 and is reportedly going house-to-house to kill anyone who worked with the United States over the past 20 years.
In a darkly and ironically humorous note to all this, the Taliban are upset and want the world to know that they feel betrayed — by Biden. He failed to leave some of the U.S. gear in working order.
Taliban fighters are feeling angry and betrayed Wednesday after discovering that Afghan National Army helicopters abandoned at Kabul’s airport have been rendered inoperable by departing U.S. troops, according to a report.
An Al Jazeera reporter who toured a hangar on the military side of the airport said in a video that the terrorist group “expected the Americans to leave helicopters like this in one piece for their use.”
“When I said to them, ‘why do you think that the Americans would have left everything operational for you’? They said because we believe it is a national asset and we are the government now and this could have come to great use for us,” she continued.
Odds are that exiting units decided to disable this gear on their own. CENTCOM probably didn’t want to have to fight against all that gear left behind, which will eventually happen.
There has been all kinds of speculation that the Biden government left at least some of that functioning gear in some sort of deal with the Taliban to keep them from overrunning Kabul airport during the evacuation. Would you put it past this administration? Biden left the interpreter who saved his own life behind. He left American citizens and journalists behind after promising not to. He has acted out of weakness and/or rank dishonesty at every turn, even asking then-Afghan President Ghani to lie for him as the country fell to the Taliban. He yelled at America on Tuesday, apparently convinced that raising his voice makes him sound strong.
It just makes him sound like an old man yelling at the clouds.
So even the Taliban feel betrayed now? Welcome to the club.
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