Portland's Latest Flag-Burning Riot Mixes Up Its Metaphors

Portland rioters burn an American flag on a guillotine.

This speaks volumes about the Portland rioters’ agenda and their lack of coherence.


As visuals go, sure, fire generally makes things compelling. Burning an American flag is intended to stoke outrage, but when rioters do it night after night, in multiple cities, it loses its sting a bit.

You hate America. We get it. What else have you got? Name a place you’d rather live and why. Show your work.

The guillotine makes no sense in this context. Unless, that is, the rioters are establishing themselves as the Jacobins. It would be surprising if they even know what that term means. Our public education system does quite poorly at teaching history. Perhaps they’re well-to-do rich kids from private schools denouncing the country their ancestors fought for. “Jacobin” turns up in TV shows like Outlander, but not much anywhere else. Do rioters watch Starz? Which one of you is Robespierre?

They’re also burning the guillotine, when its proper use is to separate heads from necks. But they’re using it as a fire platform in Portland. The prop they burned last night looks like it would struggle to separate hangnails from fingers. They probably tried a cantaloupe in it and bent the blade.

It all says their agenda is bloody chaos to destroy America. Other than that, they still don’t have the plan John Lennon asked for in 1968’s “Revolution.”

You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We’d all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We’re doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell is brother you have to wait

Still waiting, and they’re still hating.

As revolutionaries go, Portland’s are just punks.

Portland’s riot act has become old and tired. It’s main shock value now is the fact that the Democratic Party lacks the judgement or courage to denounce it.

It shouldn’t take much of either.

Update: Then there’s this. They’re openly threatening to kill the mayor. Portland keeps releasing rioters arrested for various crimes, usually without any bail.

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