School Fools Punish Innocent Kid Because They Think He's a Racist

The parents are threatening to sue.

MARSHALLTOWN, Iowa — An outstanding athlete and student at Marshalltown High School has been suspended from playing three football games in the fall because his parents say the school misinterpreted a symbol of school pride — as a symbol of white pride.

Now, the principal is accusing the student, Blair Van Staalduine, of being a racist. “We were appalled,” Blair’s mother, Cathy Van Staalduine, said, “We were appalled and so was he. Absolutely. Because the furthest thing from Blair is being racist”

“The actual school chose the colors that each grade would be wearing. Juniors wore white. So Blair of course being active in the school dressed from head to toe in white,” she explains, “Somebody took a picture of him with his white doing a ‘W’ sign because they were wearing white. Blair says if they were wearing orange they would have done an ‘O’”.


The mom tried to talk to the principal. The principal accused the mom of racism too. Now she fears that the racist label will haunt her son for years if not forever.

So yes, since the school won’t listen, the parents should sue. They should sue not just the school itself but every school employee who had any role in this decision, personally.

Too many of our educators need to be educated. If it takes bankrupting them to make them learn, then it takes bankrupting them.


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