Modern Dating Plus High Gas Prices: Has It Really Come to This?

Well, advantage to those guys who have fuel rewards discount cards.

According to the highly controversial match-making service “Carrot Dating,” the mobile platform that allows users to bribe each other in order to get them in the same room for a dinner or a movie, out of the 400 people that have accepted a first date invitation using the app this year, 87 were enticed into going out as long as the suitor promised to fill their car to the top with fuel.

The Boston stats are based on dates that were coordinated in 2014, going back to January 1. The company said there were many more dates lined up through the means of bribery since the company’s launch in October of last year, but they only crunched the numbers using the most recent data.

The people at Carrot Dating, which claims to be the world’s first bribe-to-date site (not that they should be completely proud of that), ranked the most popular incentives that led to an actual first date. For Boston, the results were surprising to say the least. “For the men looking to guarantee a date, the solution is simple: a free fill-up. More women in Boston said, ‘yes’ to a free tank of gas more than any other gift or activity,” the company said in a statement.


Fellas, if you’re undecided on your Valentines strategy, forget the chocolate and buy some unleaded.


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