Cornyn Slams Obama's 'Crony' Nomination for Homeland Security

Sen. John Cornyn released the following statement today, announcing his opposition to President Obama’s nomination of Jeh Johnson to become the next Homeland Security chief.


Today Sen. Cornyn pushed back hard on President Obama’s pick to head the Department of Homeland Security, voicing grave concerns about his lack of knowledge and experience with border security. Rather than selecting someone who knows the unique dynamics of our Southern border, the President has tapped one of his former New York fundraisers. Sen. Cornyn slammed the President, saying that Texans “need someone at DHS who knows how to secure our border, not dial for dollars.” With this Administration’s failure to secure the border, Texans expect a nominee with serious management and law enforcement experience – not a liberal Money Man being rewarded for helping Barack Obama win the White House.

Johnson would be moving from the Pentagon to Homeland Security. He secured his post at the Pentagon by being an early and lucrative supporter of Obama’s first run for the presidency.

Among the Department of Homeland Security’s chief tasks is securing America’s borders. Johnson has no experience in border security.



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