Battleground Texas Obamabots Rip Ted Cruz For Doing the Same Thing Barack Obama Once Did

Battleground Texas, an arm of Barack Obama’s personal political force that answers only to him, fired off the following email today.

Friend —

The shutdown is over, no thanks to Texas senators.

Last night, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn both voted against the bipartisan Senate compromise to end the budget crisis and reopen the government. Apparently defaulting on the nation’s debt while thousands of furloughed Texans continue to miss paychecks would have been just fine with them.


History did not begin out of nothing on October 16, 2013.

Battleground Texas’ own boss, Barack Obama, railed against raising the debt ceiling in 2006 when he was Sen. Barack Obama. He called that raise a “failure of leadership.” While the majority in Congress did vote to raise it, Sen. Obama voted against it.

He did the same thing that Battleground Texas jibes Cruz and Cornyn for doing: voting against raising the debt ceiling.

Battleground Texas’ email continues:

Senator Cruz, especially, put his presidential ambition ahead of doing what’s right for Texans — and he’s already paying the price. Most of his GOP colleagues (outside of the fringe Tea Party faction) have turned against him. He’s being universally lampooned as “the Sarah Palin of the Senate.” And the Houston Chronicle pointed a finger at Cruz as “part of the problem” and yearned for the return of Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Sarah Palin still lives in Democrat heads rent-free, doesn’t she.


If it was bad for Sens. Cruz and Cornyn to vote against raising the debt ceiling, why was it not just as bad for Sen. Barack Obama to vote against raising the debt ceiling? If Cruz and Cornyn were acting out of “presidential ambition,” wasn’t Senator and now President Obama?

Isn’t Battleground Texas criticizing them because they’re doing the same thing their own boss did? Don’t their votes make the statement, by Obama’s own logic, that President Obama is a failed leader?


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