GOP House to Offer New Shutdown Compromise for Obama, Democrats to Summarily Reject

Fox reports that the GOP-controlled House is set to offer a new deal to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling.

Senior aides said the proposal would fund the government through Jan. 15, and raise the debt ceiling through Feb. 7.

It would also include a two-year suspension of the medical device tax in ObamaCare, and strip so-called insurance “subsidies” for members of Congress and other government officials.

A senior aide confirmed to Fox News that the House plans to work out of an existing budget bill to save time.


The Senate has been coming up with its own plan, which nearly gave Democrats everything they wanted.

Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) are circulating a 23-page draft bill that would increase the nation’s borrowing limit through January and reopen government until March.

The bill would also delay Obamacare’s tax on medical devices for two years, while replacing the lost revenue by altering the way pensions are calculated. It would give increased autonomy to the heads of federal agencies under the constraints of sequester spending levels and provide funding increases for fire suppression, a key item for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

Obama doesn’t care much about the medical device tax. Most Americans don’t care all that much about it either; it’s relatively small in the grand scheme of Obamacare. Delaying it isn’t much to trumpet.

The Senate’s Democrat leadership has been upping the ante since the weekend, pushing to undo the minuscule sequestration cuts and return to essentially unbridled spending. That’s not the move of a party with compromise on its mind. It’s the move of a party that thinks it’s winning and wants to renege on the last major compromise that it made.



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