Breaking Syria News: Rep. Nancy Pelosi's Five-Year-Old Grandson Opposes Military Strike (Update: Video Added)

You can’t make this stuff up. Earlier today, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi emerged to explain why she is supporting a U.S. military strike on Syria. In an extraordinarily rambling comment, Pelosi revealed that she had debated the matter with her five-year-old grandson, who opposes the military intervention and calls the former speaker “Mimi.” The odd moment sparked this tweet from NRO’s Jim Geraghty.



We’ll post video of Pelosi’s account of the debate when it becomes available.

Pelosi also lamented the slowness of the United Nations. Perhaps one day she’ll figure out that despots use the UN to thwart U.S. policies and efforts, and that they use positions on the UN’s human rights “watchdogs” purely to score political points against free nations.

A blogger can dream…

Update: Here’s the video of Pelosi describing debating her peacenik grandchild. It sounds like the kid won.

[jwplayer config=”pjm_tatler” mediaid=”138223″]

Am I the only one who suspects that Madame Pelosi is just making the whole conversation up?


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