Texas Gov. Rick Perry touted the Texas economic record en route to announcing that he will not seek re-election as Texas governor today. When his current term ends Perry will have served as governor for 14 years, by far the longest stretch for governor in a state that rarely re-elects its top official.
The governor quoted Ecclesiastes 3 as he made his announcement: “To everything there is a season,” Perry quoted as he announced that he will pass on the torch of leadership to a new generation. He told the audience in San Antonio and live streamed on the Internet that he will spend the next 18 months leading the state and assessing his future options, leaving the possibility of another run for president open. Perry said that he will announce such plans “in due time.”
Perry’s move opens the door for Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and Attorney General Greg Abbott, among others, to vie for governor.
Perry’s tenure has been marked by extraordinary success for the Lone Star State. Texas has been hailed as the top state for business development for about a decade and has created more jobs than any other state. It has been the fastest growing state and has become the nation’s second most populous state under Perry’s watch. Republicans have gained a strong hold on all statewide offices and both houses of the state legislature.
More: Attorney General Abbott was very quick to thank Gov. Perry.
Thanks to @GovernorPerry for his service & conservative leadership! #GodBlessTexas #tcot #txlege #txgop
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) July 8, 2013
More: MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry wasn’t the first to beclown herself over Gov. Perry’s announcement, but she is the most effective so far.
Perhaps @GovernorPerry didn't want any part of the "Wendy Davis Express": http://t.co/b7uRSJXxDJ #SB1 #nerdland
— Melissa @ MSNBC (@MHPshow) July 8, 2013
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