Or, New York Democrats discover that cutting taxes can attract business. Will they discover the corollary lesson about tax hikes?
A Cuomo administration official said Thursday that New York is trying to lure TV shows from California with a proposed tax credit program and the Tonight show would qualify if it decides to move back to Manhattan. The show moved to Burbank in 1972 when Johnny Carson was host.
The bill expected to be voted into law in coming days would provide a 30 percent tax credit for a “relocated television production.” Past and current tax credits have gone to new productions starting in New York, such as Law & Order.
The bill also says it is intended for “a talk or variety program that filmed at least five seasons outside the state … (and) episodes are filmed before a studio audience of at least 200 more” with a budget of at least $30 million.
The tax credit is reportedly worth $24 million. It would presumably go to NBC, which in the Obama years has been extremely cozy with Democrats.
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