Texas Congressional Candidate Roger Williams to Obama: 'You're Fired!'

Texas Republican congressional candidate Roger Williams (R-TX25) is back with another ad that could go viral. Williams made national news during the primary for his award-winning “Donkey Whisperer” ad in August 2011. In a new ad, Williams looks right into the camera, tells President Obama he will be held to the standards he proclaimed when he ran for the presidency, and that because he has failed, “You’re fired!” The new video, which quotes Obama against himself and is titled “Higher Standards,” is going live today.


On a conference call earlier today, Williams said that the new ad is “energizing.” “Most people in Texas want someone to tell the president he’s fired,” Williams said. “Texans are tired of having ‘social justice’ shoved down our throats. As the CEO of America he has failed and should be fired. It’s energizing when someone stands up there and says what everyone else wants to say.” Williams’ district, Texas-25, is among the state’s most conservative and stretches from Tarrant County in the north to Hays County in central Texas. It includes gigantic Ft. Hood near Killeen, TX.

Williams said that his campaign is based on solutions, drawing from his experience creating jobs as a businessman. Politics, he says, is not a new career for him but rather something he feels compelled to enter due to the need to have business people bring their experience to Washington.


“We have been fighting the Obama economy for four years, it’s time for an adjustment,” Williams said. “President Obama has had his chance and he must go.”

Hence the message: You’re fired!



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