Fauxcahontas: The Movie

The latest on Prof. High Cheekbones: She claimed she identified as Native American so should could join a club, but the club she would’ve joined says “Elizabeth Warren? Never heard of her.”


Hans von Spakovsky cut this movie for us. It turns out Warren’s “high cheekbones” remark has a Hollywood pedigree.


It also turns out that Warren does have a Native American connection: Her ancestors helped round up Cherokees on the Trail of Tears.

[T]he most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee—the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837.

This new information about Ms. Warren’s true heritage came as a direct result of a lead provided to me by William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection, who in turn had received the information from one of his readers. Jacobson, who has questioned Warren’s explanation for her law faculty listing, calls this discovery “the ultimate and cruelest irony” of the Warren Cherokee saga.


Dances With Wolves, Elizabeth Warren is not. On the other hand, Democrats can lie about everything from whether or not they had sexual relations with that woman, to whether or not they ever served in Vietnam, and their voters don’t care. So Fauxcahontas Warren has that going for her.


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