The DNC chairman told Latino voters that Trump “wants every voter to be afraid” while President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager predicted that the midterms on Nov. 6 will not be about the president himself.
Brad Parscale made the comments to CBS this morning before a new Gallup poll showed Trump at 40 percent approval, a four percent drop from last week. His disapproval rating is up to 54 percent, a 4 percent hike from last week.
“The president’s not on the ballot,” Parscale said. “This is about his agenda.”
The Trump campaign launched a $6 million ad buy today, eight days before midterms, on broadcast and digital platforms. The minute-long ad warns viewers that gains under Trump “could all go away if we don’t remember where we came from and choose the right future.”
Parscale said the ad is about “what he’s accomplished in two years” and argued that “the things that have changed in the last two years, they could go away and we need to vote Republican.”
“It’s about everything,” he said. “Things are getting better and there are still things we have to get done. If we don’t hold the House, we don’t increase our lead in the Senate, those changes can’t keep coming and dealing with immigration laws and the things and problems we still have. And to make this country even safer and better, we have to have the Republicans empowered.”
Parscale said that “the army of Trump,” or the president base, is targeted as “he’s going to fight for them to show up” on Nov. 6. But “there’s also a huge batch of independent voters, suburban mothers, there’s people out there that might not be watching the news every day” who are targets of the ad buy, he added.
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez visited the L.A. studio of the nationally syndicated “El Show De Piolin” to stress to Latino voters that “the only way we can pass immigration reform — we need more Democrats.”
“Donald Trump said he does not want to support the ‘DREAMers’, does not want to support other people who are immigrants. The most important thing is that we have to have more Democrats in Washington, D.C.,” Perez said.
Perez also told the audience that Trump “wants every voter to be afraid, and I want our community to vote.”
“Trump wants to cut off access to health coverage, he wants to ensure that immigrants do not have funds for public education – these are Trump’s values,” he said, before appealing to Latinos, “I really need your help. I need the help of each person. When we vote, we win! But there are so many people who are afraid to vote.”
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