Biden: 'I May Be Irish But I'm Not Stupid'


Today’s ceremonial swearing-in over in the Senate provided ample opportunity for a new crop of Joe Biden zingers.

And creepiness, as Uncle Joe tries to kiss Sen. Chris Coons’ (D-Del.) daughter Maggie.


The vice president, as president of the Senate, greeted lawmakers and their families and said weird things in the upper chamber while Republicans were wrestling over the Speaker vote in the House.

“I am not doing the next one,” Biden joked as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) walked up to be sworn in.

“He’s a good man even though he’s a Democrat,” Graham noted to his young niece while introducing her to the VP.

As he brought up his campaign staff to take a photo with the vice president, Biden holds on to the hand of an attractive Graham aide and pulls her to stand next to him for the group picture. (Mediaite has the whole video)

“I knew this would happen,” Graham quips.

“I can tell you what, man, I may be Irish but I’m not stupid,” Biden retorts.

Thankfully, as our eyes were on the House, Senate-watchers were grabbing the best Bidenisms of the day.


Biden said to Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-Iowa) teenage daughter, according to National Journal, “How old are you? 15? I hope Mom has a big fence.”

He also mistakenly called Ernst “Gail” — her husband’s name. She quickly corrected Biden.

Caught by PBS: “Biden to blonde family member of South Dakota Republican Steve Daines: ‘Hey Caroline, how old are you?’ Later whispers to her brother, ‘Keep the guys away from your sister.’”

And doing … something with Sen. Pat Roberts’ (R-Kansas) family.



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