Not many politicians get endorsed by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Hustler publisher Larry Flynt in the same day.
“Mark has proven during his time in office that watching out for taxpayers and holding the line on spending are his top priorities,” Paul said of the controversial former governor in a statement put out by Sanford’s campaign yesterday.
“What we absolutely cannot afford is someone like his opponent, who will be yet another vote for a return to the Pelosi speakership, for disastrous programs like Obamacare, and for more spending and debt,” added Paul, who is thought to be attempting to make inroads in South Carolina for a potential presidential run. “I am pleased to endorse Mark and stand with him in this race.”
The National Republican Congressional Committee withdrew funding from the famed Appalachian Trail hiker last month when Sanford’s ex-wife, Jenny, accused him of trespassing on her property in violation of their divorce agreement.
FreedomWorks PAC has stepped in to give Sanford some cash.
“Mark Sanford will be a consistent vote to get spending under control, pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, repeal and replace ObamaCare, and make the tax code fairer and simpler for all Americans,” FreedomWorks PAC President Matt Kibbe said in a press release.
The special election for the old House seat of Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is Tuesday. An April 22 PPP poll had Elizabeth Colbert Busch pulling ahead of Sanford.
Flynt said in a press release that he sent a maximum contribution of $2,600 to the Sanford for Congress campaign and “extended a personal invitation to Sanford to meet with him and shake his hand.”
The porn magnate called the philandering governor “the sex pioneer of our time.”
“No one has done more to expose the sexual hypocrisy of traditional values in America today. Sanford’s open embrace of his mistress in the name of love, breaking his sacred marriage vows, was an act of bravery that has drawn my support,” Flynt said.
“My endorsement has not been an easy decision for me. Even though Mark Sanford has emerged as the leader against sexual hypocrisy in American politics, he is a liar. He lied to his gubernatorial staff. He lied to his wife. He lied to his children. He lied to the people of South Carolina and to the press,” Flynt continued. “Despite his journey down this Appalachian Trail of deceit, I support him not for his character, but for exposing the hypocrisy of traditional values. The liar has exposed the greater lie.”
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