750 million for blackmail?

Over at Instapundit, a href=”http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/99817/”Guestblogger Ann Althouse asks the question:/a Should Elin Nordegren settle with Tiger Woods for $750 million if it includes “a lifetime ‘confidentiality clause’ that would prevent her from writing a book or doing any interviews about the split”? She has a poll up a href=”http://althouse.blogspot.com/2010/05/should-elin-settle-for-750-million-from.html”over at her blog asking readers what they thought with the following options:/abr /br /Yes. That’s so much money!br /Yes. We’ll all be better off if that nasty material never sees the light of day.br /Yes. Elin, you will be better off looking for the future and not dwelling on the past.br /No. Tiger must pay for what he did and shouldn’t get anything back in exchange.br /No. You need to explore and air this all out for your own good.br /No. I want to read all about it! Come on! Dish it out!br /br /None of those options seems adequate. How about:br /br /”No, this thief does not deserve that kind of money for engaging in blackmail.” br /br /What would your response be?



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