Interview with Patricia Pearson at MND

Men’s News Daily has an a href=””interesting interview /aon women and aggression with one of my favorite writers, Patricia Pearson, who wrote a href=”″emWhen She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence/em/aimg src=”″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” / (Thanks Bob H. for pointing the interview out). My favorite part of the interview was where Pearson described a href=””Camille Paglia /acalling her a bitch: br /br /blockquoteThe chemistry between us was intolerable, but I couldn’t end the meeting because I was on assignment, so she ended it by storming off, calling me “ a stupid b*tch” on her way across the Four Season’s creamy lobby carpet. Whereupon, a lady in a CARMEN MIRANDA HAT, which is to say a hat sporting fruit, who had been sitting across from us in the lobby, introduced herself as a family court judge (I am not making this up) and said that she “couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with Camille Paglia.”br /“Do you know what just happened?” she asked me, /“No,” I wailed, still feeling like I’d just been b* /The secret issue that had set us asunder, said the fruit-headed judge, was the fact that I had been chewing gum. “Are you aware that you were chewing gum? As a judge, I can tell you that body language is absolutely paramount in these kinds of conflicts, and chewing gum signals defiance.” Hilarious. I happened to have been quitting smoking at the time, and used gum like a critical limb, and had forgotten about it entirely. br /br /What do I think of Paglia as a social thinker? I can’t get past the fact that she’s an abusive maniac who can’t tolerate insolence, no matter how inadvertent./blockquotebr /br /Come to think of it, Ann Althousea href=”” also had a run-in with Paglia /a and was uninvited to a dinner for her because Professor Althouse dared to write a blog post that Paglia didn’t like and she was angry and hurt. Sounds like the lady could use some anger management tips. br /br /Anyway, the interview with Pearson is good, a href=””take a look/a.



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