The latest hackings, stabbings, and loppings of the waste, fraud, and abuse that plagues the sprawling federal bureaucracy.
$20 billion in suspect EPA Climate Change™ grants torched
Somewhere, an irate Greta Thunberg is seething into the ether, grinding her teeth to the jawbone, brows furrowed in righteous indignation.
Never gonna get tired of watching Trump walk right by Greta Thunberg 🤣
— Community Notes & Violations (@CNviolations) February 12, 2025
Via New York Times (emphasis added):
The Environmental Protection Agency said that it was canceling $20 billion in grants for climate and clean energy programs that have been frozen for weeks, a move that was labeled illegal by nonprofit groups that were supposed to receive the funds.
The money has been caught in an escalating controversy involving the E.P.A., the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Citibank, where the funds are being held and are now frozen, prompting lawsuits from three nonprofit groups.
The grants were issued to a total of eight nonprofit organizations through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which received $27 billion in funding from Congress through the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.
Some priceless works of art are surely going to be desecrated and some grocery store aisles vandalized by adult children in retaliation.
Department of Education on life support, union boss plays race card in desperate bid to gin up public sympathy
The Democrats, as we have noted, have proven themselves immune to absorbing the lessons they ought to have taken from their recent electoral bloodbath.
Here is Department of Education union boss Sheria Smith doubling down on race hucksterism with professional MSNBC Social Justice™ agitator Rachel Maddow in the context of mass layoffs ongoing at the agency.
The people that [the Department of Education] seem to be keeping are white men who happen to have graduated from very conservative schools… What is curious at the U.S. Department of Education is that the layoffs… are seeming to affect and impact disproportionately women and people of color.
Related: Trump Slashes ALL South Africa Aid, Cites Anti-White Government Policy
As the Trump administration has pointed out repeatedly, the United States spends more per capita (per student) than virtually any other nation on Earth with disastrous results to show for that investment.
Via American Enterprise Institute (emphasis added):
Except for tiny Luxembourg, the United States spends more money on education than every other OECD country and exceeds the OECD average by over 50 percent. This is not just true of absolute levels of expenditures: As a share of GDP, combining federal, state and local expenditures, the US also spends more on education than its peers. In 2021, the US spent about 5.6 percent of GDP on education, compared to the OECD average of 5 percent, 4.5 percent in Germany, 3.5 percent in Japan, and 5.2 percent in France. Over the past two decades, this continual increase in spending outpaced the growth in the student population, such that per-pupil expenditures on education grew from $16,600 in 2003 to close to $20,000 in 2022 (in constant 2022 dollars). But even as more money gets poured into our education system, student performance has not improved.
The rate of increase in out-of-control administrative expenses has only risen in recent years. FY 2021 to 2022 saw the sharpest increase in twenty years.
Via United States Census Bureau (emphasis added):
Nationally, public school spending per student rose 8.9% from $14,358 in FY 2021 to $15,633 in FY 2022, according to new data from the 2022 Annual Survey of School System Finances released today by the U.S. Census Bureau. This represents the largest percentage increase in public school spending per pupil in the 50 states and the District of Columbia in over 20 years. Statistics are not adjusted for inflation or cost-of-living differences between geographic areas.
Schools don’t pay teachers enough to attract and retain top talent. So where does the money go?
Right into administrative overhead and funneled back into Democrat coffers — into these grifters’ pockets.
Related: Teachers’ Union Boss Suffers Conniption Fit Over Looming Department of Education Death
Their grift is on the line. Losing their gravy train ride is their overriding concern.
Note that at no point does the DOE union boss in the above video, while she’s playing the violin for her comrades’ firings and blaming racism, express any concern for the students they allegedly serve.